The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales *r^fp^ Vol. 6. No. 12. [New Sebies] DECEMBER, 1910. Price One Penny. (Poet Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Superintendent's Notes. »^\o\^\\A\x^v.«\»*\V»>\»»V«,\.v»,iW THE FORWARD MOVEMENT CONGREGATION. \0ME of our friends from a distance, when they visit our Forward Movement halls, at Cardiff or Swansea, or Newport, seem greatly surprised at the respectable appearance of those who worship there. Having heard that many of them have been recently raised from the gutter, and have just been delivered out of slum- dom, the visitors expect to see an assembly of uncouth figures, and disreputable appear¬ ance, with faces unwashed, dishevelled locks, and ragged clothes. Instead, they gaze upon a crowd of decent looking people, with clean faces, good clothes well brushed, and smiling countenances. Now, the reason for all this is the gospel of Christ. The gpspel washed their faces, combed their hair, stripped them of their rags, and clothed them in clean garments. One ot the first effects of religion is to foster in man a feel¬ ing of self-respect. The demoniac of old, after having been delivered out of the clutches of the evil spirit, went home, not only in his right mind but clothed. Deliver¬ ance from the thraldom of sin and bad habits has the same effect. A saved man, as a rule, will in the first instance take proper care of his person, then he will clothe his children, get some furniture to his house, and after a time possibly will remove to a better house in a better neighbourhood. The outward respectable appearance as well as the inward change has been brought about by the power of grace. J> «* j* THE ONSLAUGHT OF THE LATE REV, HENRY REES. WHEN the Welsh Methodists left their chapel in Bedford Street, Liverpool, because the neighbourhood had become low, and erected for themselves that beautiful