^Ibe ^Torcb. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales £=^d3^>= Vol. 6. No. 11. [New Series] NOVEMBER, 1910. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Superintendent's Notes. »^v»V«>V»<,\»»vV»VV»VV»VV»\\'vV«'k,W CORPORATION ROAD HALL. )T had long been my hope to be able to spend a Sunday at the Forward Movement Hall, in Corporation Road, Newport, where such work is carried on by the Rev. Roderick Jones, its indefatigable evangelist, and its Church Committee. A few weeks ago this privilege was granted uoe, and I came away well pleased with all I had seen and heard. The new hall, capable of seating at least eight hundred people, was crowded to the very door at the evening service. The old hall of corrugated iron, utilized for week-night services and for holding infant classes on the Lord's day, had been repaired and newly painted, by a few of the members with their own hands, and an entrance had been made from the old hall to the new. But what delighted me most of all was the Sunday School. There I found about three hundred in attendance, com¬ posed mostly of young people from twenty years of age down. Evidently the school is a living institution, the teachers zealous and faithful, and the scholars interested in their work. The church is on the increase, and I expect it will be soon self-supporting.^ t5* w* «<5* r ABERCARN. THE Forward Movement Church in this place after enduring many trials, and meet¬ ing some tempestuous weather, seems at last to be emerging into the sunshine. The ministry of the Rev. T. J. Edwards, late; of Mertbyr Tydvil, has been greatly blessedv Not only are his powerful sermons, full of the old Welsh fire, greatly appreciated, but his constant visits to the houses of non- church-goers, has greatly increased the con¬ gregation. Last Sunday I had the pleasure of officiating there, and it was an eye- opener to me. The congregation in the morning was fairly good, but in the evening there was at least six hundred people