Uhc ITorcb. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. &$$** Vol. 6. No. 10. TNew Series' OCTOBER. 1910. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Superintendent's Notes. »«V\«,\\»,\V»\v«'\»«Vv,»\V'«\\»»\V'\vv\»* THE DEATH OF MRS. PHILLIPS, TYLORSTOWN. HE Forward Movement, like- many other similar institu¬ tions, suffered a severe loss through the death of Mrs. Phillips, the accomplished wife of Dr. Phillips, Tylors¬ town. Descending from an ancient Method¬ ist family in the Yale of Glamorgan, the deceased lady had inherited in abundance all the talent, versatility, brilliancy, and I may almost say the genius of her kindred. A keen student, and well-versed in Biblical literature, she proved her capacity by win¬ ning the gold medal in the Sunday School examination of our Connexion. Although well-known for the depth of her piety from her childhood, she threw herself into the work of the Land after making- her home at Tylorstown with such vigour and energy that astonished all her friends. All the children of the place worshipped her. She had always a kind word for those who never attended the means of grace, and one of them was heard, the day of her fun¬ eral, loudly lamenting that now there was no one left to invite the disreputable to the House of God. Her sympathy with all missionary work, especially Forward Movement work, was profound; and our Centre at Pontygwaith received much help. The day of her burial the whole neigh¬ bourhood exhibited signs of the most in¬ tense sorrow; the window blinds were drawn down everywhere, tears glistened in peoples' eyes, and they spoke with bated breath. It was a revelation to me to see such a number of bare-footed children walk' ■ing all the four miles from Tylorstown to the Cemetery at Llethr-ddu, in order to show their love. May others inherit the missionary spirit of this esteemed lady, and may God comfort the bereaved husband eJ* e£* *£" BLAENANNERCH ASSOCIATION. To many of my readers the word "Blaen- annerch" conveys no meaning, but to the older generation of Welsh Methodists it has a peculiar charm, .inasmuch as it was the home of John Jones, one of the greatest preachers of Wales. John Jones was not a learned man, he had not been brought up at the feet of any Gamaliel, neither was he