TLhc TLovch. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. ^fp* Vol. 6. No. 9. [New Series] SEPTEMBER, 1910. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Superintendent's Notes. **W'\rfV^WV«W»M«9»!*Vi**M*«* OPENING OF A NEW HALL. )AST month a commodious new Forward Movement Hall was opened at Nantyffyllon, in the populous district of Maesteg. Hitherto, with much incon¬ venience, the work had been carried on in a corrugated iron building. There was nothing attractive about this structure, its very ap¬ pearance militated against success, but under the energetic pastorate of Evangelist Meek, the little church grew and increased until a larger building became an absolute necessity. Now we have there a good solid stone- building, capable of seating 600 people. The opening services were highly successful. It pained me to be compelled to disappoint the brethren, and absent myself from them upon this auspicious occasion. But the South Wales Association was held at Blaen- anerch the same day, and the interest of the Forward Movement made it incumbent for me to be there. However, the ceremony passed off satisfactorily, and the brethren look forward to the future with hope and courage. e£* %£r* *2r* LLANDRINDOD IN AUGUST. Like almost all watering-places Llandrindod was crowded to excess this August, not¬ withstanding the increased accommodation provided. Many institutions take advantage of this state of things to hold theiriannual meetings there. As usual, what is known as the Keswick Convention held its meetings for a week in the large tent provided by the late Mr. John Cory, under the direction of Mr. Head. Many of those in whom the fire of the late Revival seems still to burn make it a point to attend, and some of the meetings in consequence were very fervid. I cannot at present remember all the Welsh institutions which held their meetings at Llandrindod this August. It is, in fact, a splendid opportunity for all Welsh societies, because the place is thronged with people from all parts of the Principality, and the Welsh