^be Zlorcb. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. ^hdt2** Vol. 6. No. 8. [New Series] AUGUST, 1910. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Superintendent's Notes. *&AtoPW^n*'<tf»M'fe0'to^)*^' A FOBTNIGHT'S MISSION AT CARDIFF. I HE spirit of mission has taken hold with a firm grip of the Forward Movement evangelists. A fortnight's open-air mission has been held in connection with each of the eight halls we have within the city of Cardiff, all the evangelists co¬ operating and interchanging with one another. There is something exhilarating in an out-of-door service. I like to see a crowd drinking God's pure air, and the sincere milk of the word at the same time. I can assure the readers that it is a mos* healthy mixture. Of late the Connexion has neglected this form of aggressive work. It is a sad mistake. By preaching wherever they found men, the Methodist fathers spread the divine fire through the length and breadth of the Principality. They had gained thousands of adherents, and set the whole country ablaze, before they built their first chapel. As to the Cardiff Mission it is im¬ possible at present to calculate the abiding results ; many persons enter the inquiry room under a momentary feeling, that are never seen in our midst afterwards. But we have to do with duty, the abiding fruit is in the hands of God. <^" t&* qF* DR. PUGH MEMORIAL FUND. This fund ought to have been closed some time ago, but it was found impossible to do it, because small amounts of money con¬ tinued to come in. Even now it would be foolish to stop this tiny rivulet ; I would rather press those belated churches who still mean to make contribution, to hasten. The great blot upon our denomination is un- punctuality. We cannot get our churches to march in order ; always there are some dragging behind. The disastrous result is that one collection stands in the way of other collections, and completely blocks the way.