=fc* te* ^be ^Torcb. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. fep- Vol. 6. No. 7. [New Series] JULY. 1910. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Superintendent's Notes. •^^V^V^V^VAVAV^Vv^VvAVAV* THE ANNUAL COMMITTEE. THE Annual Meetings of the General Committee which were held last month at Shrewsbury, were large and representative. The Com¬ mittee had to face a serious de¬ crease in the year's collections, a decrease of nearly nine hundred pounds. Many causes contributed to bring this about, such as the industrial depression in North Wales, and possibly also the efforts made on behalf of the Doctor Pugh Memorial Fund. In view of the serious decrease it became a difficult problem how to allocate the grants to the centres. To the suggestion of lessening all the grants by ten per cent., it was objected that it would mean the extinction of some centres, and involving the others in a grave financial difficulty. At last in great faith the Committee decided to vote the usual grants. It is to be hoped that the collections next year will justify this faith. «J* «£* cl* THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. OUR General Assembly was held this year at Neath, and received from the ancient town a right royal welcome. Everything contribu¬ ted to its success ; the weather was favourable, concord prevailed among the brethren, and the presence of the Spirit of God was dis¬ tinctly felt in many of the meetings. I shall never forget the communion Tuesday morn¬ ing. Even the delegates from other bodies, though not understanding a word of the Welsh language, declared publicly that they had never been so moved before. There were at least two thousand people present in the Missionary Meeting. The fact that four of our missionaries from India were on the platform, together with one of the native ministers, add 3d much to the interest felt. The speaking was of a very high order. The Rev. John Jones, who after thirty-three years of successful labour on the Khassia Hills, is compelled to retire on account of ill-health, was evidently under a deep feel¬ ing. But though compelled to remain in Wales himself, his daughter is going back ; and her cry, " Who is going to fill my father's gap," rings still in my ears. The speech of Miss Laura Evans, who has undergone a severe operation since her return to this country, thrilled the audience. But the hero of the evening was the native missionary. He spoke in very good English, and delighted the people by his wit and humour, com¬ bined with deep earnestness. I fully agreed