ZTbe TLovch. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. *=H ^JP* Vol. 6. No. 6. [New Sebies] JUNE. 1910. Pkice One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Superintendent's Notes. AVA^VVVVVVVV^W GENERAL CONDITION. AM glad to have to report that the condition of the various Forward Movement Centres is upon the whole healthy ; the process of conĀ¬ solidation goes on surely and continuĀ¬ ously, if somewhat slowly in some districts. In many places there is a stir and a movement among the dry bones. Our Centre at Barry Island has evidently seen a vision, and is possessed with a new spirit. The congregations are larger, the Sabbath School better attended, and the friends are preparing for evangelistic work among the crowds of visitors expected in the summer. From our Centre at Treorchy I hear good news. The labours of Mr. Williams and his energetic wife have been greatly blessed, and the Church roll is on the increase. At Abercarn, in the heart of Monmouthshire, the ministry of the Rev. T. J. Edwards attracts large congregations. I prophecy a bright future for this Centre. A new hall has been erected at Nant-y- ffyllon, near Maesteg, and another at Abercynon in the Pontypridd district. " Praise God, from whom all blessings flow." eJ* e^* *&* FINANCE. My greatest difficulty at present is funds, or rather the lack of funds. From many directions we hear a voice calling as like the man from Macedonia, to go over and help them. To these calls, at least to many of them, we must turn a deaf ear because we have no money. I am afraid the collections this year are not up to their usual mark. Would God that our well-to-do people came over in order to see for themselves the work that is carried on and the needs for more labourers. The country is ripe for the harvest. Applications have reached us from Seven Sisters, Abercwmboi, Trehavod, Milford, and other places, where people are dying from want of knowledge. Glamorganshire and Mon^ mouthshire are the black spots in the