ZTbe ITorcb. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. =^p-* Vol. 6. No. 5. [New Series] MAY, 1910. Peice One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Superintendent's Notes. A^WWVWWW* A MISSIONARY MEETING. 'N connection with our South Wales Association, which was held last month at Pentie, Rhondda Valley, a combined missionary meeting was held. The Foreign Mission was represented by the Rev. J. Ceredig Evans, a missionary from India now at home on furlough ; the Home Mission by the Rev. W. Richards, its indefatigable secretary ; and the For¬ ward Movement by its Superintendent. Then the three great branches of our mission work had their claims set forth in the same meeting. It was a capital meeting, the audience being large and enthusiastic. The Rhondda colliers are in deep sympathy with our work. Understanding the condition of the district and being aware of the depth of degradation into which many have sunk, they welcome every attempt to rescue "the bottom dog." I must say of them also that they are keen, warm¬ hearted and liberal. No part of the country collected better in aid of Dr. Pugh Memorial Fund. The sale of work which they held in aid of our Treborth Home proves the same thing. In my opinion, the mission work in some form or another should have pro- minence in all our Association. eJ* e3* fc?* DEATH OF REV. THOMAS DAVIESS TREORCHY. It is with much sorrow I have to refer to the death of this eminent minister. Undoubtedly he was one of God's in¬ spired prophets. As a messenger of peace he was well known throughout Wales. To the congregation he ap¬ peared like Moses of old, coming down from the mount after speaking to God face to face, with his countenance so glorified that the people could scarcely gaze upon him. He appealed to me always, not so much as a student or a deep thinker, but as a man coming out of the Presence and bearing a message.