fcr^apte* ^be ^orcb. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement^of I the Presbyterian Church [of "Wales. «=^d&£^> Vol. 6. No. 4. [New Series] APRIL, 1910. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Superintendent's Notes. *^\*\\*\\*V!*\^^^ The 1859 Revival. T the request of the General Assembly, the Rev. J. J. Morgan (Mold) has translated his book on the 1859 Revival, and has published it in an English garb. The Welsh volume created a sensation ; it was a revela¬ tion to the young, and brought recollections to the old, because it reproduced in a vivid manner the scenes which took piece in the Principality fifty years before. The English volume is not altogether a translation ; it is something better, and, at the same time, something not quite so good. It is a new book, wrought of old materials, therefore free from the stiffness that usually accom¬ panies a translation. At the same time it is only about half the size of the Welsh one ; on that account many stirring incidents are unavoidably left out, and many of the de¬ scriptions, because of the abridgement, are not quite so graphic. Still, it is a capital book, giving for the first time to the mono- glot Englishman an opportunity to under¬ stand the great religious upheaval that changed the aspect of our country. Mr. Morgan has the artist's touch ; his descrip¬ tions are graphic and vivid. I trust that the new generation which we find in our English churches will read and study this book, so that they may catch a little of its fire. «£* «£* «£* Carmarthenshire Monthly Meeting. Last month, for the first time in my life, I had the pleasure of visiting the Carmar¬ thenshire Monthly Meeting. The meetings were held at Cwmdwyfran, a country chapel about three miles from the county town. There was a fairly large attendance. The members came in conveyances of almost every description—some by train, others on horseback, on bicycles, in traps, and even in motors. It was the first time for me to see