Official Organ of the Forward Movement of. the Presbyter¬ ian Church of Wales....... Vol. 5. No. 12. [New Series] DECEMBER, 1908. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) The Superintendent's Notes. Successes and Honours. aHE Forward Movement evangelists show, whenever the opportunity is given them, that they have grit ; that they not merely possess the gift of speech, but are also well versed in the Word of God. At the last synodical examination, which according to all accounts was a stiff one, at least five of them obtained the requisite number of marks, some passing high. This is very creditable, especially. When we re¬ member that they had no college training, and that they were in charge of their centres during the time of preparation. It is to be hoped that the Connexion will see its way to ordain them next May. The various centres suffer because the ordinances are not regularly administered unto them. I also desire to - heartily congratulate Alderman Wilson, a prominent member of the Forward Movement centre at Treharris, upon his ap¬ pointment as Mayor of Merthyr Tydvil for the coming year. Mayor's Sunday was a great day at Treharris ; the new Mayor going himself in his robes of office, and taking th town council with him, to his own place of worship. This proves that he is a man of principle, and has the root of the matter in him. Penydarren. At Radcliffe Hall, Penydarren, it has been found necessary to change the language, and henceforth to carry on the service in the English tongue. This is being done after consultation with the most prominent men of the neighbourhood. The centre was started in Welsh, in accordance with the wish of the late Miss Hannah Jones, of Rhyl, who promised a hundred a year towards its support. But soon after Miss Hannah Jones died, intestate as I believe, and the centre became a heavy burden upon the General Treasurer of the Movement. It has also been found that the younger portion of the con¬ gregation are conversant with the English language only. Hence the change. I am sorry the Rev. E. R. Jones, who has done good work at Penydarren, is leaving. May he be very successful in his new sphere.