j-----------------------..... Official Organ of the Forward Movement of. j the Presbyter- ( ian Church of Wales.......j j 1 She Corch. Vol. 5. No. 11. [New Series] NOVEMBER, 1908. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) The Superintendent's Notes. Opening- of the F.M. Hall. T Just, alter a long delay ami many disappointments, the Forward Move¬ ment Hall in Porth has been opened. I had almost despaired of seeing the build¬ ing completed; the stars in their courses seemed to war against it. But all is well that ends well. Now we have there a sub¬ stantial hall, capable of seating 850 people, and though without much ornamentation, well adapted for speaking and hearing. Is it a wonder, then, that on the opening day the friends were full of joy and full of hope. The ceremony commenced with the laying of several memorial stones ; one being laid by a young boy, the son of a doctor, the other by Alderman Howells, of Newport, a generous friend of the Movement. In the hall we had a number of speeches, and among them a modest one by the new evangelist, Mr.George Thomas, 13.A..of Car¬ marthen. That evening the Rev. Seth Joshua preached to a crowded congrega¬ tion. This Centre ought to do well. It is a populous district, Calvinistic Methodism is strong in the neighbourhood,aud the new evangelist is a young man full of life and energy. After the opening Mr. Joshua held a ten-days' mission there, and a large number professed conversion. New Quay Association. A NEW feature at the New Quay Associa¬ tion was the combined meeting of the Foreign Mission Scciety and the Forward Movement. A missionary who was going out to the foreign field had been ordained to the full work of the ministry in the morning. The first part of the evening meeting was devoted to addresses delivered by the newly-ordained missionary and three lady missionaries who are going out the same time. Then came the opportunity of the Forward Movement, when the Rev. Seth Jeshua with myself spoke, urging the claims of the Movement upon the agricul¬ tural districts with some effect. There was a crowded audience, the large chapel being overfilled. In the meeting, as well as in