Che Corch. Official Organ of the Forward Movement of . the Presbyter¬ ian Church of • Wales....... Vol. 5. No. 10. [New Series] OCTOBER, 1908. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) The Superintendent's Notes. The Ministerial Students and the Forward Movement. jjURING the summer vacation many of our ministerial students have been officiating at the Forward Movement Halls, each one taking sole charge of the Centre. In some cases the Centre would be without a regular Evangelist ; in others the Evangelist would be away on his holiday, or preparing for an examination. This afforded our young preachers a grand opportunity, no better training could have been given them ; they came in contact with real life, and saw for themselves the diffi¬ culties connected with the evangelization of the masses. I have heard nothing but praise of these students. Their preaching has been fresh, and their conduct remarkable for earnestness and good sense. This augurs well for the future. Such satisfaction some of them gave that the Centres would have them break their educational course, and remain as pastor. This could not be per¬ mitted, it would 'be a violation of our educational policy, but it shows that we have the right staff in our colleges. New Halls. Several Forward Movement halls are now being built The new hall at Forth is practically completed, and its formal opening will have taken place before this number of the Torch comes into the hands of our readers. Never in the course of my ex¬ perience have I seen a church compelled to grapple with such difficulties in connection with its building ; the stars in their courses seem to war against it. The evangelist in charge left for Canada, the architect died, and his plans were found unworkable. But through the grace of God, the plucky little church overcame all the difficulties. Now, the future appears bright. Mr. Geo. Thomas, B.A., of Carmarthen, who comes of a good Methodist stock, and is an Oxford graduate, has undertaken the pjstoial charge. The new hall at Blaina also is now under roof, and will be ready for opening in the spring, and the new hall at Abercarn is getting up rapidly. These halls were sanctioned by the General Committee before the death of Dr. Pugh. The Rev. Seth Joshua. Now, that the Rev. C. L. Perry has re¬ turned from America, and has re-assumed the pastorate of the Central Hall, Newport, Mr. Joshua intends to take up anew his work as a Missioner, for which he is so well