Official Organ of the Forward Movement of. the Presbyter¬ ian Church of Wales. . .'----- Vol. 5. No. 8. [New Series] AUGUST, 1908. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) The Superintendent's Notes. The General Assembly. THE General Assembly, which met this year in Liverpool, received and adopted the Report of the Forward Movement Committee. According to this Report, there has been a substantial in¬ crease in the yearly collections, both in North and South Wales, notwithstanding the hard times experienced in some dis¬ tricts. But even with this increase the receipts are wholly inadequate to meet the expenditure. To all appearance, the General Treasurer will have exhausted all the resources at his command before the end of next October, and for the remaining portion of the year will have to fall back upon an overdraft on the bank. The work is progressing, demands are increasing, but the liberality of the Churches, great though it be, does not increase in the same pro¬ portion. This state of things is not cheer¬ ing, and ought not to exist. The claims of the Movement were strongly urged upon the Assembly, and a profound impression was created, especially by the powerful speech of Principal Prys, and the graphic description given by Mr. William Thomas, Park Mount, of his visit to the halls in Cardiff. The Public Meetings in Liverpool. Two other Forward Movement meetings were held in Liverpool in connection with the Assembly—one at Prince's Road Chapel, the Calvinistic Methodist cathedral, and the other at Birkenhead. In the former meet¬ ing the chair was taken by the Moderator of the Assembly (the Rev. W. Evans, M.A., Pembroke Dock), a warm-hearted friend of the Movement from its commencement. Addresses were delivered by the Chairman, the Superintendent, Mr. Peter Roberts, J.P., the Rev. H. Barrow Williams, together with Mis. J. M. Saunders. Mrs. Saunders referred chiefly to the Kingswood-Treborth Home established in Cardiff, and the rescue work attempted there. Her descriptions were graphic, her account of the fallen girls and their condition most pathetic ; there was scarcely a dry eye in the whole congregation. A number of collecting boxes in aid of the Home had been brought there. These were taken up with avidity, one at least to go on board ship. Mr. William Thomas, J.P., Park Mount, pre¬ sided over the Birkenhead meeting, and powerful speeches were delivered by the Rev. J. J. Roberts,- Ceridwen Peris, Sister Lloyd, and others.