Che Corch. Official Organ of the Forward Movement of. the Presbyter¬ ian Church of Wales....... Vol. 4. No. 6. [New Series] JUNE, 1908. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Superintendent's Notes. The New Preventive and Rescue Home. I HAVE referred before in my notes to our new Preventive and Rescue Home- Such an institution was much needed in Cardiff, there being no Rescue Home in the whole city, except that belonging to the Salvation Army, which was wholly in¬ adequate. Much good has been accom¬ plished in the Treborth Preventive Home during the two years and a half it has been in existence. Over 60 girls have passed through it, of whom most have turned out well, and many have been brought into saving knowledge of our great Redeemer. But the premises were not sufficiently extensive for rescue work. They were also held on lease. However, at last the Committee saw its opportunity when Kings- wood came into the market. Kingswood is a large, well-built freehold house, standing in about an acre of ground on the western side of Cardiff. With great faith, the Committee resolved to buy it. It cost £2,300, the renovations and adaptation costing about £700 more, bringing the whole up nearly to £3,000. Of this £1,000 has been collected, mainly through the energy and perseverance of Mrs. J. M. Saunders. We expect another £800 from the sale of the old Treborth Home, leaving upon the institution a debt of £1,200. © O 6 Kingswood. KINGSWOOD will combine a Preventive and a Rescue Home. In other words' there will be a wing for young girls who may be on the brink of ruin, and in danger of falling over ; there will be also a wing for the fallen who show signs of repentance. These two wings will be kept distinctly separate. Attached to the premises there is an excellent laundry, with all 'necessary appliances. The Committee does not believe in keeping a number of girls in idle¬ ness. This would in itself constitute a great moral danger. They also hope to make the Home gradually self-supporting. The institution for the present has been put under the charge of Mr. and Mrs. Howe, who, while in the Salvation Army, had experience in a similar work. @ © © The Opening. EVERYTHING under Providence combined to make the opening a great success. We had a fine day in the midst of a rainy