Che torch. Official Organ of the Forward Movement of. the Presbyter¬ ian Church of Wales.......| ----------------------------------------------------------------------:------------------- Vol. 4. No. 5. [New Series] MAY, 1908. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Acting Superintendent's Notes. Oup Appeal to the Country. THE task we now enter upon, and which fills our minds to the exclusion of almost everything else, is the liquidation of a portion of the enormous debt resting upon our halls, and crushing the life out of our Centres. Our preparations are now made, and our plans perfected; nothing remains but their realisation. The religious Press throughout the country, even including the London Press in all its ramifications, have called attention to our claims, and have in¬ serted paragraphs dealing with our history and our work. The National Provincial Bank and the London City and Midland Bank have promised to exhibit subscription cards and to receive subscriptions in all their branches. To the Press and to the Banks our thanks are due. But we must not forget the Press of our own denomination. The Goleuad has served us well throughout the years, and has inserted lists of contributions free of charge. The Drysorfa also, under its genial editor, is our good friend. Now, the rails are laid down and the engine ready to start, all we require to carry us to the end of our journey is steam. fc* other words, we want to create such enthusiasm as will make the completion of our project an easy task. Let us remember that our appeal chiefly and first of all is to our own people. In the vernacular there is a proverb that the elbow is nearer than the wrist. While we appeal to Christian friends all the world over, we must chiefly depend upon the Calvinistic Methodists. Will they be found equal to the emergency ? Already we have received some gifts and promises unsolicited ; I hope now that the appeal is made that we shall meet with a general response. New Doors Opening. New doors open continually, and fresh voices call upon the Forward Movement Committee, " Come over and help us." These calls come not only from the counties of Monmouth and Glamorgan, but also from Carmarthenshire. Tumble is a colliery district, not far from the town of Llanelly. It was looked upon as a thoroughly Welsh district, but it has been found out after a house to house visitation that there are in it about 300 monoglot Englishmen, for whose spiritual needs no provision has been made. From them comes a loud cry for