------------------------------------------------- . . _ Official Organ \ \ m^m m^ A of the Forward ^^ |A ^fe ^^ ^fe AA ^fc |a Movement of. CI1C COrCti* ssk 1 Wales.......1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^-------------------------------------- Vol. 4. No. 3. [New Series] MARCH, 1908. Price One Penny. (PostFree, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Acting Superintendent's Notes. The Central Hall, Newport. A FEW Sundays ago it came in my g /% way to visit the Central Forward ^^_ v Movement Hall, Newport. First of all I directed my steps to the Sunday School, the best criterion of religious activity. The Sunday scholars, together with their teachers, filled every nook and corner of the huge building. There were classes everywhere. I dis¬ covered a class of young girls even in the minister's parlour. The large vestibule, which previously I had criticised as a waste of space, had been partitioned off for school work. But what delighted my heart most of all were the adult classes. When looking upon the scores of young men and young women that had assembled together to study the word of God, I could almost think I was in a typical Welsh Sunday school. The influence of this institution must be enormous. Everwhere I found life and reverence. 0 © An Inspiring Sight. I WENT there in the evening again, just at the close of the meeting. The large hall was thronged with an enormous congrega¬ tion—there was not a vacant seat anywhere. Beyond a doubt this is the largest Calvin- istic Methodist audience in the whole world. Even the congregation at Prince's Road Chapel, Liverpool, cannot be compared to it. The service that night evidently had been rather long, and the people were sing¬ ing the closing hymn when I entered, but not a single person moved until the singing was over and the benediction pronounced. It was an inspiring sight. A grand work is being carried on here, but the strain is telling upon the devoted evangelist, the Rev. C. L. Perry. His nervous system has temporarily given way, and he is compelled to go abroad for a time in quest of repose. May he return fully restored. The total collection of the church and congregation duritig the past year amounted nearly to £1,450. A Temptiug Offer Refused. Many of the readers of the Torch are aware that the Forward Movement Hall in Morriston is an old theatre, stolen from the possession of Satan, and consecrated to the service of Jesus Christ. The building has been so transformed as to lose its theatrical appearance, and it is now really a very