Che torch. Official Organ of the Forward Movement of. the Presbyter¬ ian Church of Wales....... Vol. 4. No. 1. [New Series] JANUARY, 1908. Price One Penny. ;'Post Free, 2/- per annum, prepaid) Acting Superintendent's Notes. The Meeting of Directors at Chester. There was a good attendance at the Chester meeting of directors, although several of the brethren, chiefly from South Wales, were con¬ spicuous by their absence. The Acting-Super¬ intendent, on the whole, reported favourably upon the state of the centres and the work accomplished. Many of the members called attention to some wealthy churches who have not collected in support of the Movement. These churches seems to be in the Connexion, but not of it, being self-absorbed and careless as to the work done outside. The Directors made an earnest appeal to the defaulters. Arrange¬ ments were made for visiting several Monthly Meetings on behalf of the Movement. It is found necessary to stimulate the zeal of the congregations in connection with this work and to keep the needs of the lapsed masses continually before them. Votes of sympathy were passed with several who were absent through illness, and the Emergency Committee was strengthened. Although the finances are at a low ebb, a spirit of hopeful¬ ness pervaded the meeting, and we departed resolved to thank God and take courage. The Acting-Superintendent's Report. Many of the items contained in this report have already appeared in " The Torch,'" there¬ fore a short resume of it will suffice here. He referred to the successful tent mission held in various parts of Cardiff by our own evangelists during the latter part of last summer and the beginning of the autumn. Crowds came to hear the Gospel preached, and many professed conversion. At Whitchurch Road the tent was fixed near the barracks, a number of soldiers attended, and some were visibly affected. Of these many are ever since regular listeners at Heath Hall. The Acting-Superintendent also referred with approval to the Bi-Monthly Meeting established in connection with the English Sunday Schools in the Cardiff district, following the example of the Welsh Sunday Schools. The Sunday Schools of the Movement have heartily joined, and good results are already visible. He reported also upon the dearth of evangelists, which has greatly hindered the work, seven centres being now without pastors. But it is probable that this dearth will not continue, several of the churches are now in treaty with ministers, and the students of our colleges are taking interest in the work and seem ready to join. Visiting Monthly Meetings. If the reception given to the delegates at the various Monthly Meetings is any criterion, the interest of the churches in the work of the Forward Movement is on the increase. The Rev. John Williams, Gilfach Bargoed, a faith¬ ful friend of the Movement, received the warmest welcome in West Glamorgan, and the meeting pledged itself to do better than ever in collecting. It fell to my lot to visit North Cardigan, my native county, although I am almost a stranger there now. The meeting the previous night at Aberystwyth was dis¬ appointing, chiefly on account of some bungling