Vol. III. New Series. NOVEMBER, 1907. No. 11. The Annual Conference. HERE are not many among us now who remember the be¬ ginnings of the Conference. Very small the}7 were, and one looks often with wonder and with gratitude upon the great progress which has been re¬ corded since. The first Conferences were Provincial gatherings, one in the North and one in the South. The first was held, if we remember rightly, at Bangor on the 28th of March, 1883. Bangor has the distinction of having homed the first Conference, and, although the gathering was small and boded little of the great gatherings of to-day, yet it was a beginning to which we can look back with very real pleasure. The Morning meeting was presided over by the late John Roberts, M.P., Aber¬ gele, and the Afternoon meeting by the late Richard Davies, M.P., Treborth. These were two men who rendered noble service to our English work in the then years of diffi¬ culty, and their names are good to remem¬ ber. How is it we cannot now get our Mem¬ bers of Parliament to attend our Confer¬ ences ? How well they could serve us ! We have eight of them. Surely one of them might have come to Pontypridd. None came. In the Morning meeting a paper was read on '' The pulpit supply of our English Churches," by Rev. Lewis Ellis, Rhyl, and in the Afternoon meeting on " The best means of cultivating a greater spirit of de¬ votion in our churches" by Rev. C T. Ast- ley, M.A., Llandudno. These two brethren are with us still, and it would be interesting to have their reminiscences of the gatherings. But how suggestive it is that the subjects of their papers, evidently of paramount inter¬ est then, are of paramount interest still. Our pulpit supply ! And our spirit of de¬ votion ! We should not be very far wrong if we said that these are still our most urgent themes. After twenty-four years ! To se-