Vol. III. New Sekies. OCTOBER, 1907. No. 10. In Memoriam. m>t\ <5. II>. IRe^nolbs, IRewport, flDon. 1864—1907. I the song of the Psalmist we learn that " as to the saints, they are the excellent ones of the earth." Saints, holy men, are the nobles, the princely ones, the true aris¬ tocracy of the earth. The saintlier, the princelier! They enrich the earth ; they redeem it from the awful bestripment which sin works. When a saint dies, the impoverishment is great. By the death of Mr. G. P. Reynolds, the town of Newport is very grievously impover¬ ished. He was undoubtedly one of the ex¬ cellent of the earth. How graciously ex¬ cellent in character and in service it is im¬ possible in cold print to tell. Although he died at the rather early age of forty-two, yet he had shaped a character, accomplished a work, reached an influence which are very rare among men. Newport had the privi¬ lege of giving him birth. To Newport he gave the love of his great heart, the master- work of his strong hand. Newport reaped Mr. G. P. Reynolds.