■Ml « Vol. III. New Series. JULY, 1907. No. 7. an Maclaren. MAN of many parts! Such is the thought that comes bo me as I write of t h i s great man. It is seldom, very seldom^ that men are so v a r d e d 1 y equipped ss he was. In an age like ours when it is considered a duty to specialise, when specialists and ex¬ perts seem to hold the situations, the many " parts " of Ian Maclaren were ever a testi¬ mony to the power of an all-round manhood. He died young.—That, I think, is the first impressive thing which his death has left wdth me. He died young ! Be was born at Manningtree in Essex in the year 1850. Only 1850! So he was only 57 years old. Just think of some men in our ministry to¬ day who are between 55 and 60 years old, and you will at once say, as you behold their strength, their energy, their success, " Why thei/ are only young men yet." And then consider—How much a man can do and die at 57 ! How much Ian Maclaren did ! What a work he wrought, and what a fight lie fought! My dear reader, you and I can do ever so much more than we are doing, if only we plunged into our work more vigor¬ ously. I have yet many years to live before I score 57 on the bark of my little life-tree. God help me to pack them with service. Pack them tight! Chock-full, Like Ian Maclaren! He touched life at many points.—This, I fear, is not characteristic of ministers of ■the Gospel. I wish it were. So many men, when they'become ministers, cease to be men. The man is merged in the monaster: the human is lost dn the official. Austerity sits supreme -upon the face, upon the style of speech, even upon the cut of the coat. Would that the minister were also- man ! Ian Mac¬ laren was. If I could sum him up in this respect, I would say he was genial. And