Vol. III. New Series. JANUARY, 1907. No. 1. A Foreword, By The EDITOR. E are now entering upon the third year of our new series and The Torch is appearing in a new form. Very earnestly do we trust that this new form, while not alienating any old friends, will secure for the magazine a host of new ones, and will win it an entrance into churches and homes that have hitherto been closed against it. The main, if not the only, reason for the change is the desire of the Book Committee that our magazine shall be so attractive and so useful as to both command and retain the help of every section within the Connexion. Two things we have in view. First, to provide healthy literature for our churches. Second, to keep our churches in the closest touch with all Connexional movements. These two ends we shall strive to accomplish. By well-written articles on subjects of inter¬ est written by some of our most eminent writers, by variety of topics and excellence of illustrations, we hope to provide interest¬ ing and instructive reading. By news of the churches, by treating of matters and movements that will be of immediate con¬ cern to our own Connexion, we hope to keep our readers well versed and thoroughly interested in the welfare of their own people. Keeping these two things in view, it shall be our endeavour to make our magazine at once of general use and of Con¬ nexional help. Our English Churches are becoming more and more numerous, more and more important. And even in many of our Welsh Churches there is a number of men and women who not only take an interest in our English work, but are themselves better versed in English, than in Welsh. Is it not well, therefore, that all these should be offered the advantages that are given by a magazine of the kind we are outlining for ourselves ? We need just now to be drawn together. If we mistake not, certain centri¬ fugal influences are at work, and they tend to drive our churches apart. That is ruin¬ ous. The churches that are self-supporting and the churches that are grant-aided, the churches of the Home Mission and the churches of the Forward Movement, the churches of the towns and the churches of the country, the churches that are in our English Presbyteries and the churches that