t^3Pr^= Ube Xlorcb- The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. =C=^ ^^ Pbice One Penny. Vol. 5. No. 12. [New Series] DECEMBER, 1909. /D 4 -™<* UNE i^NNY. L J ' (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) The Superintendent's Notes. The Late Mp. Rhys Davies, J.P., Merthyr. )N another column will be found an appreciation of the late Mr. Rhys Davies, but I cannot let this opportunity pass without paying my tribute to his con¬ scientiousness and devotion. He was one of the most exact of men, exact even in the minutest details. What he was to Hope, the church of which he was an officer, is not for me to say, or what he was for many years to the Presbytery of Glamorgan, but as to his faithfulness to all the committees of the Forward Movement, both local and general, I can testify without hesitation. Whoever was absent, he would be there. And whether we agreed with him or not, he had something to say. His loss will be severely felt by the little mission church at Penyard. Here he was king, and all acknowledged his sovereignty. Our com¬ fort is that God carries on his work though workmen are buried. The Illness of Mp. Peter Roberts, J.P. It was with deep concern I heard of the severe illness of Mr. Peter Roberts, but my anxiety has been somewhat relieved by the latest reassuring news. Mr. Roberts and Mr. Edward Griffiths, Dolgelley, belong to an order of leaders to whom Calvinistic Methodism is greatly indebted, but which is now almost extinct. We may look upon them as the " Last of the Barons." The scene in the last North Wales Association was historic, when the two stalwarts, after devesting themselves of Connexional offices, stood up side by side to receive the tokens of honour which their brethren wished to confer upon them. There were not many dry eyes in that assembly. Mr. Roberts, even more than Mr. Griffiths, has devoted his life to public work both inside and out¬ side the Connexion. He is a member of innumerable committees. We find him always wherever tact and sound common- sense are needed. To the Forward