The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. =£^ ^fP^ Vol. 5. No. 11. [New Sebies] NOVEMBER, 1909. ,„ x ^ 0ne Penny. L J (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) The Superintendent's Notes. The English Conference. ^N all hands nothing but praise is heard of the meetings of the English Conference, which were held this year at Llan- drindod. What struck me most in casting a rapid glance over the assembly was the youth of its members. Scarcely was a grey head visible ; almost all seemed to be possessed of the vitality, the vigour and the strength of youthful- ness. This feature accounts for the spirit of go-ahead so evident in our English churches, amounting sometimes almost to daring. They drive rapidly, sometimes heedless of obstructions and dangers ; but I would not accuse them of furious driving, because as a rule they keep to old Methodist lines. The Conference has no legislative functions. Like the Church Congress, it meets not so much for passing resolutions or for business which often includes trifling matters, but for interchange of opinion. And it seems to be well that one series of meetings should be held in order to deal with the higher subjects, and to discuss spiritual matters. UP &> fjp The Conference Sermon. Dr. David Smith, who delivered the first Conference sermon, is by no means a great. preacher. His discourse was characterised neither by depth of thought nor by felicity of diction. Our popular Welsh preacher would scorn to preach such a sermon on the great day of assembly. Still, the man was evidently greater than his discourse possessing a greater personality, and a fine evangelistic spirit. His words, though simple, and even sometimes commonplace, were accompanied with much unction, so that the dew of heaven fell thickly upon all present. 1? *• *r In my opinion the crown of the series was the meeting dealing with the Incarnation. Two of our most ripe scholars, one hailing from South Wales the other from North