The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of "Wales. *=^d&£^ Vol. 5. No. 10. [New Series] OCTOBEK, 1909. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) The Superintendent's Notes. Mr. John Cory's Illness. )N common with many thousands, I was very much grieved a* the severe illness of Mr. John Cory, the noble Christian philanthropist and the muni¬ ficent contributor to every good cause. It seems that his life has been in the balance ; for some days much anxiety was felt, but God had mercy upon him and also upon us. Mr. Cory is a princely giver. As a bene¬ factor of humanity he stands alone. Like the " liberal man " of the Bible, he deviseth liberal things. Had all men of wealth dealt with their riches as Mr. Cory does, we would not hear this outcry against capital. His mind is remarkably free from bigotry, sectarianism does not enter into his calcula¬ tion, but he contributes indiscriminately to every good cause, whether Church of England, Nonconformist, Salvation Army or Forward Movement. And his left hand does not know what his right hand doeth. No one has any idea of the enormous sums that he gives to charity, except possibly his trusty secretary. God bless him. And may his days be prolonged to enable him to do more good, and to add to the treasure in¬ vested by him in heaven. t£p t&* t£r* Mr. Houghton's Induction Meeting. LAST month I had the honour and pleasure of being at Mr. Houghton's induction meet¬ ing in Grange town Forward Movement Hall. He had a capital send off. There was a good gathering, while the ministers of Cardiff and district were well represented. Everything here augurs well for the future Mr. Houghton himself is young and ener. getic, possessing in abundance the gift of speech, while the church seems enthusiastic and united. Some years ago this centre was very prosperous ; it had a good church and a large congregation, but owing to various causes, chiefly the inability of the members to fix upon a pastor, the dry rot set in. The congregation became small and the members few. As it is not good for man