te* ^Ibe TTorcb. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. 4=* ^P* Vol. 5. No. 9. [New Sebies] SEPTEMBER, 1909. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) The Superintendent's Notes. I HE members of the Forward Movement Committee, which met at Shrewsbury the latter end of July, were engaged in a very pleasant task. They had met to distribute £10,000 among the various Centres in order to liquidate a portion of their debt. The £10,t)00 were in the hands of the treasurer of Dr. Pugh's Memorial Fund. So that all the Centres should receive the same fair play, they were divided into three classes—the most needy, the next needy, and the least needy. Each of the first class received four hundred pounds; the next received two hundred, and the remaining Centres one hundred each. By the allocation of this money the dawn of a new hope has broken upon many of the Centres, a hope to get rid of the burden of debt which now crushes them, and to be able to devote all their energies to evangelistic work. I hope to have another £10,000 in hand for allocation before the end of the year. It is time for this collection to finish. Once again I appeal to the churches and districts that are behind to bring their effort to a close. The next two months ought to suffice for that purpose. * Jk & IN conjunction with a host of Christian friends, scattered almost over the whole world, my sympathy goes out to Mr. John Cory in his bereavement. For many years Mr. Cory has been a liberal benefactor to every good cause. In his generosity he has known no barrier either of sect or of nationality. He has stretched forth a help¬ ing hand to every effort to uplift humanity, and to rescue the fallen. A few weeks ago I received from him a cheque for. five hundred pounds in aid of Dr. Pugh's Memorial Fund. He also sent a handsome cheque to the Women's Branch when Kingswood-Treborth Home was purchased. I understand that the deceased lady, although somewhat retiring and disposed to keep out of sight, sympathised with all her