t<fKfc?= Xlbe ^lorcb. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. Vol. 5. No. 8. [New Sebies] AUGUST, 1909. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) The Superintendent's Notes. )F all the meetings held at Rhos in connection with the General Assembly, none surpassed the Forward Movement meeting in popularity and enthusiasm. The large ehapel was crowded, the speakers were elo¬ quent and impressive, and the audience seemed to feel and appreciate the startling facts presented to them. It became clear to all that the Movement was not a South Wales concern, that it belonged to the whole Connexion, and that the honour of its in¬ ception belonged chiefly to North Wales. Dr. John Pugh, the father of the Move¬ ment, hailed from Montgomeryshire; so did Mr. Edward Davies, who, by his en¬ couragement, brought Dr. Pugh's scheme within the range of possibility. To their honour be it said, the leaders of the Con¬ nexion in North Wales gave the Movement their support when the leaders of the South were lukewarm and hesitating, if not wholly antagonistic. It would be impos¬ sible, therefore, for our friends in the North to disown their own child. Neither do I see any such desire among them. J> * Jt> It was made clear also that North Wales, through its children, is likely to profit largely in the future from the operations of the Forward Movement. The slate quarries seem to be in a bad way ; there being no demand for slates, men are paid off in large numbers, and they migrate by the hun¬ dreds if not by the thousands to the South Wales coalfields. There they find them¬ selves in an environment of which they have no experience. They are surrounded by novel temptations, and come in contact with irreligious men, who try to entice them from the good old way. Their very souls are in danger. Indeed, some have already gone astray. They are seldom found in the Sabbath school or in the public service. Now, it is the aim of the Forward Movement to rescue such as these, and to save those who are in danger of falling. This was made clear at Rhos. Many