The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. 4=* %^ Vol. 5. No. 7. [New Series] JULY, 1909. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) Annual Meeting of the Directors held at Cardiff, June 15th, 1909. SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT. Mr. Chairman and Brethren, Upon the whole my Report this time is of a cheerful character. Taking all the centres together there has been an increase during the year of 368 in the number of Communicants. This is very satisfactory, especially at the present time, when many churches are still suffering from the reaction after the Revival, and compelled to admit a decrease in their number. Most of the centres are also in a healthy state, full of energy and zeal, and doing their utmost to rescue the perishing. Lately a new hall has been opened at Blaina, Monmouthshire, the erection of which had been sanctioned by the Directors before the death of the late Dr. Pugh. What a pity that it is saddled with a very heavy debt. Still, the prospects are bright. The district has a large and an increasing population, houses spring up by the hundreds in the neighbourhood of the hall, and the new Evangelist, the Rev. James W. Perry, is a tried and experienced worker. At present we have few vacant pastoratesv most of them having been filled with students from our own colleges at the terĀ¬ mination of their academic career. They all seem to be doing well. I am glad to inform the Directors that no disinclination to enter the Forward Movement is to be found among our students. On the contrary, it seems to have a charm for many of them, because it seems to give a better opportunity for evangelistic work, and a freedom from old routine methods. At the same time, we shall soon have two vacant pastorates. '. One is Tydfil Hall, Merthyr, the present EvanĀ¬ gelist, the Rev. B. G. Barker, having sent in his resignation. He leaves next August on account of the ill health of his family, and intends to take charge of a mission in America, under the Presbyterian Church. The other is Barry Dock, the health of the