£=? Uhe ZEorcb. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. ^5fp^ Vol. 5. No. 6. [New Sebies] JUNE, 1909. Pbice One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) The Superintendent's Notes. The Death of Mrs. Saunders. )T is with deep regret I have to refer to the death of Mrs. Saunders, the widow of the late Dr. Saunders, one of the most eloquent preachers Wales ever pro¬ duced. Her illness was of a short duration. She had expressed a wish that her last illness and death should take place between two Sundays, and God virtually granted her her request. The previous Sunday she had been in chapel twice ; the following Tues¬ day evening she attended the prayer meet¬ ing ; on the Thursday she was taken ill, and during Sunday afternoon she passed away in perfect peace. On the Thursday she was buried in the family fault at Aber- dare. The deceased lady had many talents, and a wonderful personal charm. She possessed very clear perceptions, organising powers of no mean order, and untiring energy, She was also very lovable. At first she might appear stern to strangers bot once they came near her they found she had a tender heart. Only the last day will reveal all the good she did. Dr. Saunders would not have been what he was were it not that she took upon herself the cares of the family in order that he might devote himself altogether to the ministry of the work. * j* # A Great Loss. HER loss will be severely felt in many circles, especially in connection with the Treborth Rescue Home. The Home and its affairs were laid upon her heart. From the beginning she acted as its Treasurer in conjunction with the late Mrs. Jenkins, Radyr, and, after her death, as its sole Treasurer. Her business habits and her carefulness in connection with money matters made her invaluable in that capa¬ city. Her able daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. M.