tfFft? D , The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. *=^ *P~ Vol. 5. No. 5. [New Sebies] MAY, 1909. Peice One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) The Superintendent's Notes. The Tumble. )OW many of the readers of the Torch know anything about the Tumble ? It is to be found not in England, nor in one of the border counties, but in the heart of Welsh Carmarthen sire. Owing to the collieries recently sunk, a mixed popuĀ¬ lation has settled tbere, many of whom are unable to understand the Welsh language. With commendable foresight the Welsh church, guided by its able minister, the Rev. D. E. Thomas, commenced English services in ah adjacent building. Now there is a prosperous little English church there, under the sanction of the Forward Movement, with the Rev. 0. J. Robinson as its evangelist. A few weeks ago I visited the place for the first time, in order to attend Mr. Robinson's recognition meeting. I was delighted with everything I saw and heard. The little church is enthusiastic, and Mr. Robinson is most devoted. But before much permanent success can be obtained a new building must be erected. May I commend this to the notice of the Carmarthenshire Monthly Meeting ? JL J* J* Biaina New Forward Movement Hall. When proceeding to Biaina for the opening meetings, along the beautiful valley of the Ebbw, I was strongly reminded of Howell Harris' visit to the same neighbourhood in the spring of the year 1737, exactly 172 years ago. This was his first visit to the southern part of the Principality. He came at the invitation of the Rev. Edmund Jones, of Pontypool, called sometimes the Old Prophet, whose church was supposed to cover the whole area between Pontypool and Nantyglo. At that time the country was steeped in wickedness, immorality was rampant. Howell Harris was eminently a Forward Movement man, the work he carried on was