ZTbe ^orcb. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. £^y£^= Vol. 5. No. 4. [New Series] APRIL, 1909. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid) The Superintendent's Notes. Newport Association. )T was a very happy idea to hold the South Wales Spring Asso¬ ciation in the Central Hall, Newport. This magnificent hall, together with all the rooms and conveniences connected with it, must have proved an eye-opener to many of our people. For the first time they had an ade¬ quate idea of the Forward Movement, and of the magnitude of the work it has accom¬ plished. Several confessed in my hearing that the half had not been told them. I am not going to review the Association. Its most peculiar features were the Missionary and Temperance Meetings. An opportunity was given me also to plead the claims of Dr. Pugh's Memorial Fund, and the brethren seemed very sympathetic. The Central Hall friends deserve the greatest praise for the way they received the Association, and for the perfection of their arrangements. Dr. Pugh's Memorial Fund. May I remind all those who are collecting for this Fund that the end of May, the time appointed for completing the collection, is rapidly approaching. Unless the whole sum be contributed by that time we will be in danger of losing at least a thousand pounds. As a rule we succeed in carrying out our plans, but we go about it very leisurely, with our hands in our pockets, taking years to accomplish what we could do in twelve months. I beg that this collection be not allowed to drag. Money from different quarters continue to reach me, thus showing that the Forward Movement has touched the hearts of the people. " Aelod " has sent me another ten pounds. An elder, whose name I am not permitted to give, nor the name of the Monthly Meeting to which he belongs, wrote to say that Providence had lately blessed him, and enclosing two five-pound notes for the Fund. The Welsh church at