lt^ ^be Xlorcb- The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. e=^t&^ Vol. 5. No. 3. [New Series] MARCH, 1900. Price One Penny. (Post Free, 1/6 per annum, prepaid The Superintendent's Notes. Dp. Pugh's Memorial Fund. ► OR the present all my efforts are directed to;this Memorial Fund, with the hope that it may be completed before the end of next May. Something has been already done, chiefly of a prepar¬ atory character, but much remains to be done, and the time is short. I trust that for the next three months the Con¬ nexion will refer to this Fund in the words of the Apostle, "This one thing I do.'' It will not be a small thing to pay off one fourth of the huge debt resting upon the halls. Encouraging facts come under my notice continually. Several of our Mon¬ thly Meetings are full of zeal. North Car¬ digan deserves special notice. Our church officers in the town of Aberystwyth met one evening, and between them promised two hundred pounds for this Fund before leaving the room. Surely we can expect another two hundred from the churches of the town. My heart has been thrilled by the action of several sisters, recipients of Old Age Pensions, who sent their pension for the first week as a thank offering to the Fund. The Rev. Francis Jones, Abergele, refers to a poor woman, earning her living by washing, who has promised sixpence a week to the collection until the end of May, and has already paid three sixpences. " Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." With deep gratitude also I should refer to the payment by the Plas Dinam family of the three thousand pounds they had promised. Aberearn New Hall. The new Forward Movement Hall opened last month, although built on economic lines, is one of the finest. The position is mag¬ nificent, the best in the whole town, and