=fc*eapfc? ^Ibe ^orcb. The Official Organ of the Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. £^d£^= Vol 5 No. 2. TNuw Series] FEBRUARY, 1909. ,„ f -PmceOne Penny. v ui-i. o. ^"- *• Lv J ' (Post Free, 1,6 per annum, prepaid The Superintendent's Notes. The Annual Collections. TURING the month of January in most of our Churches, both in North and South Wales, col¬ lections wore made in aid of the Forward Movement. It is to be hoped that the spirit of liberality descended upon the congregations. I am anxiously waiting for the results. To me it is evident that the Connexion as a whole has not realised the position in South Wales. At present the Forward Movement is not advancing ; we are only marking time—merely keeping possession of the ground already gained. Until our annual collections reach a much higher figure and a large portion of the huge debt pressing upon the halls is removed, we cannot break fresh ground. Meanwhile people of all nationalities swarm into the beautiful valleys of Glamorgan and Monmouth, bring¬ ing in their train an evil atmosphere and immoral habits. What is to be done ? The situation is difficult, even dangerous. The other day Dr. Griffiths, lately of Khassia, said in a letter that he had visited the Forward Movement Centres in Cardiff and Newport, and that in his opinion we had only touched the fringe of the problem. I ask again, What is to be done ? To th wealthy middle class I would make an urgent appeal for larger contributions. The pound of the man whose income is from five hundred to a thousand a year is not equal to the half-crown of the working man, whose wage is a pound a week. And is it not possible to consolidate and unify our various Connexional collections ? Four annual collection, one ever}' quarter, equal to that of the Foreign Mission Society, would meet all our missionary needs at home and abroad for many years to come. For the present I leave this suggestion to the consideration of our leaders.