Tlie BorcH The Official Organ of The Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. i. No. 10. [New Series] OCTOBER. Price One Penny 'Post Free 2s. per annum, prepaid). Kot&Wty NoUs. By the General Superintendent. October 5th, 1905. Stone-Laying of the Great Central Hall, Newport. Please make a note of this great event, and attend if possible. This is one of the most important undertakings ever yet faced by the Movement; and I pray of all our Comrades in Cardiff, East Glamorgan—as well as in Monmouthshire—to rally on this auspicious occasion, so as to encourage our good brother, the Rev. C. L. Perry and his faith¬ ful people. I also appeal to all the friends who cannot be present, to send their offerings to Mr. Perry or my¬ self—to lay on the stones. The first donation towards this huge undertaking has been from my old friend and fellow-student, the Rev. David Phillips, of Glogue, who sent £5, after he saw the appeal and sketch of the interior of the new Hall in the Torch, for last month. The Stone-Laying ceremony, which takes place at 3 p.m., on Thursday, October 5th, will be preceded by a Devotional Service, at Ebenezer Welsh Chapel, Commercial Street, at 2-30 p.m. At 4-30 there will be a public tea in the Temperance Hall, admission 6d. each. At 6-30, Open-Air Demonstration, led by the General Superintendent and the Evangelists of the Movement. At 7-30 p.m., Great United Public Meeting, at the Temperance Hall. Chairman : David Davies, Esq., J P,, Llandinam. Speakers : Revs. Principal Prys, M.A. (Trevecca College), R. R Roberts, B.A. (Cardiff), and Elwyn Thomas (Newport). These giod and great men will be supported by local Minister*? and Friends, and the Evangelists of the Movement. Pray for "showers of blessing" upou this great effort, and that the spirit ot Christian liberality may possess all interested in our work to make greater sacrifice than ever for this great under¬ taking. Another New Hall Opened. On Sunday, Sept. 10th, Mrs. Pugh and myself had the joy of breaking up new ground and of starting a brand-new Cause at Pontnewydd, Monmouthshire. This is the second new hall we have opened this year in this beautiful and prosperous Eastern valley of this great and growing county. Strange to relate, our Church had not previously a single place of worship in any of the rising and thriving towns situated between Pontypool and Newport. The blessing, however, bestowed upon our efforts at Pontypool since the opening of the new hall there last January, and the great and continuous blessing which follows our efforts at Newport, made many an earnest soul at Pontnewydd cry out to us, " Come over and help us ! " This cry was heard by the Monmouthshire Presbytery. The best site in the place was secured to erect a commodious hall, from Mr. Councillor Richards—a devoted Baptist Deacon—and upon most reasonable terms. The School Hall just put up by Messrs. Morgan & Evans, Pontnewynydd, and capable of holding 400, was too small for the Sunday evening service. The Opening Services, which began Sunday, Sept. 10th, and which are to continue until October 15th, have been well attended up to now, and much blessing has been experienced, and precious souls have been saved. The Preachers so far have been the Revs. John Calvin Thomas. IToylake ; Watkin Williams, Ponty¬ pool; T. M. Charles, Cardiff; Prank Joshua, Neath; W. Sutherland, Malpas Hall, Newport ; J. W. Perry, Marshes Hall, Newport; and F. Clarke, L'anhilleth, who has been doing yeoman service for the Master for 12 days. The Rev. W. F. Phillips, Newport, will officiate October 1st. The following Soloists have rendered this new Cause good service, during the