Tfie CDorcli The Official Organ of The Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. i. No. 9. [New Series] SEPTEMBER. Price One Penny 'Post Free 2s. per annum, prepaid'. JltotilW^ Notes. By the General Superintendent. Week of Self-Denial Effort Sept. 24th to Oct. 1st. To our good friends and supporters. Permit me, most humbly and sincerely, to appeal to you for your hearty co-operation on be¬ half of the perishing thousands of our fatherland, during our forth¬ coming Self-Denial Effort. Marvellous Growth. The growth of the Forward Move ment, which, in the first instance, was only intended to meet the deep religious needs of Cardiff, has been phenomenal. So much so, that the Movement once known as "The Cardiff Forward Movement " is now known by the Christian reading world as " The Welsh Forward Movement." The figures showing its growth, though great, do not represent a tithe of its far-reaching influence for good. Multitudes have joined other Churches through its influence. It also did much by way of preparing the way for the present gracious Revival, which is prdlKg such a blessing to this and other lands, (i) By calling the attention of God's people to the desperate spiritual needs of the populous towns and districts of South Wales and Monmouthshire; (2) By urging upon them, by precept and example, to seek the baptism oi the Holy Ghost for Christian service and soul-winning. The members of our Mission Centres collect annually among themselves, exclusive of all out¬ side help, over £2 8s. per member. But, liberal and self-sacrificing as our poor people are, and generous as many of our friends have been, yet we are at this present moment Liberality of our Converts. face to face with over £1,100 deficit in our General Fund. This outlook, and that in view of the new large Halls in process of erection at Cardiff, Newport and Swansea—as well as in the Mining Centres of Glamorgan and Monmouth—-compels us to pray of you, in Go^'s name, to come to our help and to join us in our week of Self-Denial Effort—and thus extend a helping hand to those who are ready to perish, so that, by and by, we might hear Him Who " though rich, became for our sakes poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich," say unto us:— " Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto Me." You might join and help us by personal self- denial, as well as by getting friends and congregations to assist in this effort. All money should be sent direct to Edward Jones, Esq , J.P., Llandinam, Montgomeryshire, the General Treasurer, or to myself. Llandrindod Forward Movement Conference. This never-to-be-forgotten Con¬ ference was held August nth to the 14th. It was preceded by the Keswick Convention, referred to by the Rev. Seth Joshua in his notes in this month's issue. We refer cur readers to the account of the great Meetings held in connection with the Women's Branch of our Movement, given by Mrs. Tydfil Thomas, B.A , the devoted and able Secretary of this Branch of work (page xlv). We had the privilege of conveying to the good sisters gathered that a kind Christian lady, a mother in our Israel, had promised £400 towards purchasing a house for the first Preventive Home, This good news thrilled the hearts of all present with thankfulness to God, and made our own cup mn over with joy unspeakable. We believe this is an earnest of better and brighter days for thousands of friendless girls in our land.