Tfie ^Dordi The Official Organ of The Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. i. No. 8. [New Series] AUGUST. Price One Penny Tost Free 2s. per annum, prepaid). }IConthty HoUs. By the General Superintendent. Although the General Urgent Needs. Treasurer's Statement read Self-Denial Week, at the last General Com- Sept. 24-th to mittee showed a substantial 30th, 1905. increase in the Collections for this year, yet, owing to the heavy deficit of last year, and the extra demands made upon the Funds for the year ending March 31st' 1906, we shall have to face a deficit of about £1,100-, on this year's current account. Rather than cripple our Centres, the General Assembly Meeting in June last, at Birkenhead, resolved that a Self-Denial Week be arranged not later than the end of September, 1905. This is the third time during the life of our Move¬ ment for us to make a special appeal towards the General Fund, by way of self-denial. Every other appeal we have made has been for the Building Fund, for some Hall, or for some case of special urgency. We are truly sorry to be compelled to make this special appeal on behalf of the General Fund ; but we must do so, or our work will suffer more than tongue can tell. We have now 48 Mission Centres, with a Mem¬ bership of some 7,000 Communicants, besides over 1,000 Probationers ; nearly 11,000 Sunday School Scholars ; and 22,000 Hearers. The Centres receive grants in aid, averaging from £15 to £150 per annum, from the General Fund. Without this aid these Centres could not carry on their great and blessed work. As they grow in strength, and as the debt on their respective Halls becomes less, the Grants are reduced, until eventually, the Centres become self-supporting. An appeal will be sent to all our Churches in North and South Wales, to devote Sunday, September 24th, 1905, and the following six days, as a Self-Denial Week, and to render unto the Lord an offering of Thanksgiving for the glorious Revival with which our land has been favoured. We also appeal to our friends in America, and other parts of the world, to come to our rescue,—" to the help of the Lord against the mighty." All our Centres are kindly asked to prepare especially for this Self-Denial Week, and to canvass their districts well. Instructions will be sent to each Centre, and all our Churches All donations and thank-offerings will be gratefully received by the General Treasurer, Mr Edward Jones, J.P., Llandinam, Montgomeryshire, or myself, and acknowledged in the " Torch." Our Third Annual Conference wilj Llandfindod be held at Llandrindod, in con- Conference. junction with tbe Convention, from August 8th to 15th. The Women's Branch will hold its Annual Meetings on Friday and Sunday afternoons, the nth and 13th. A cordial invitation is extended to all of our Evangelists to be present. By the munificence of a well-known Christian lady, most of their expenses will be paid. The Meetings of the past years created a yearning for the Revival, which, as a Movement, we have been experiencing for the last fourteen years. We rejoice that the people of God throughout the Principality have participated in this glorious Revival. The keynote of our Conference this year will be Thanks¬ giving. The United Communion Service on Sunday morning, August 13th, and the great Open-Air Service on the Rock Park Grounds, should prove more attractive than ever. Kindly pray for a great out¬ pouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Convention and the Conference, that we all may return refreshed from the presence of the Lord.