Trie (sordi The Official Organ of The Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. i. No. 6. [New Series] JULY. Price One Penny 'Post Free 2s. per annum, prepaid). MotrtMty Notes. By the General Superintendent. We beg to appeal for the earnest prayer and the practical sympathy of our friends and supporters, to the following object, now in progress—and which was submitted by us to the last General Committee held at Newtown, June ist, 1905. THERE ARE FIVE NEW PERMANENT HALLS ABOUT TO BE ERECTED. 1. The first in importance is the large Hall for our Central Mission at Newport. After patiently waiting, and watching, and working, we have at last secured a magnificent site in the heart of the main street, from our good and kind friend, the Right Hon. Lord Tredegar, and that at a greatly reduced annual ground rent. Plans have been drawn up and passed by the Monthly Meeting of Monmouthshire, for a large Hall, to hold 2,000 people, and for two lesser Halls, to hold about 800—with all modern conven¬ iences. The contract for this fine pile of buildings is /—a marvel of cheapness, when one considers the place and the capacities of these buildings This great undertaking deserves the pratical sympathy of our friends all over the land ; for a great Central Mission in this important seaport, means the salvation and the elevation of men from all parts, who come and gc to this great port. Our devoted brother, the Rev. C. L. Perry, and his noble band of workers, deserve the best and most liberal support of all those interested in the extension of the Redeemer's Kingdom among men, HEATH. CARDIFF. 2, Upon my return from the United States five years last winter, a deputation of poor mothers, who had waited upon my good wife in my absence, appeal¬ ed to me to do something for the salvation of the neglected people and children of the Heath district. Up to that time no place of worship existed in the neighbourhood, and no Missionary of the Cross visited the people. After scanning the district, and witnessing the devastation of sin, we resolved to make a start—first in the Open Air, and then by conducting Cottage Meetings. Eventually a fine site was secured on the Whitchurch Road, opposite the Barracks Field ; and a School Hall to hold nearh 400, with conveniences, was erected at a cost of £950. Naturally the work in such a long-neglected spot was difficult, and far from prosperous during its first stages ; but. since the advent of our good brother, the Rev. Jn. Thomas, Acrefair, and latterly of his good wife, things have so improved that we are now compelled to proceed with the erection of a large Hall to hold 850 people. We had hoped to clear off all the debt on the School Hall before proceeding with this big under¬ taking ; and Mr. Thomas is leaving no stone unturned to accomplish this. Whether it is possible or not, the large Hall must be proceeded with if the work is to be developed, and the people saved in that growing district. We sincerely hope that God's stewards will come to the help of our devoted brother and his good wife in this undertaking. The estimate cost of this proposed new Hall is ^2,772, and the Classrooms and Vestry £671. PORT TENNANT, SWANSEA. 3. This Centre was started by us, in the first instance, in the old Hebron Chapel. After toiling there for some time against terrible odds, the Mission was removed to a new iron building erected on an excellent site secured from Lord Jersey, at a low- rental, on the Port Tennant Road. The work moved slowly here for some time; but^ with the advent of our faithful and devoted brother, the Rev. Wm. Meredith, and with the increasing population, the Centre has grown, not only numer¬ ically, but in spiritual power, to such an extent that we are compelled to go in for a permanent building to hold at least 700 people; with a School Room to hold 400,