Trie Horcri The Official Organ of The Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. i. No. 6. [New Series] JUNE. Price One Penny 'Post Free 2s. per annum, prepaid!. Wotfthty Hotes. By the General Superintendent. Abstracts from the 14th Annual Report : submitted to the General Committee at Newtown, June 1st, 1905. PRESENT NUMBER OF CENTRES. We have now 48 Centres ;—Glamorgan, 29 ; Mon" mouth, ii ; North Wales, 5; Mid Wales, 1; Cinder- ford, Glos., 1 ; and London 1 : an INCREASE of 3 in the year One Centre, HOPKINSTOWN, with a member¬ ship of 96 and a Sunday School of over 200 scholars, has gone off our Fund to that of the Home Mission. This is as it should be— for the province of the Move¬ ment is to go to needy places and create new Churches ; whilst the province of the Home Mission is to foster Churches already in existence. MARVELLOUS INCREASE. April 1904. April, 1905. Increase Communicants 3,880 7,000 3,120 Probationers 311 1.056 745 Sunday School 9,559 10,765 1,206 Hearers 20,500 22,000 1,500 This increase does not represent the great progress of the Kingdom of God wrought through our Move¬ ment, for hundreds of our Converts join other Churches. The increase in some of the Centres is truly marvellous. Neath and Pontypool have quadrupled, and Penrhiwceiber and Penydarren. nearly so. Neath has grown from 271 to 1,135 '• Pontypool from 30 to 130. Morristown, Six Bells, Treharris, and Pontygwaith have increased threefold, and Blaina, nearly so. The Crwys and Moorland Road Halls, Cardiff, Abercynon, and Cwm Pare, have more than doubled ; and Corp*ation Road Hall, Newport, Llanhilleth, Abercarn, Elliottstown, Porth, and Caerau, have nearly doubled. Temperance and Malpas Halls, Newport, and the Memorial, Grangetown, and East Moors' Halls, Cardiff, Treorky, Pontypridd, and Acrefair, also repo a large increase A good increase is reported by the Heath, Salt- mead, Maesteg, Cilfyndd, and Marshes Road, Newport. Rhyddings, and Port Tennant, Swansea, Aberavon, and Elan Valley, have also more than held their own. FACTS AND FIGURES. Seating accommodation of Halls :— Larger Halls Smaller Halls 27,970 9.650 Total 37,620 VALUE OF HALLS. (Not including hired Halls) ^83,334 Or average cost per Sitting £2 Ss. nd. NEW HALLS IN COURSE OF ERECTION. These number eight, namely :—Penydarren, and Gwm Pare, which are nearly ready ; Newport, Central, Six Bells, Western Valley, Mon., Heath, Cardiff, Port Tennant, Swansea, Nantyfyllon, Maesteg, and Pont- newydd Plans have been passed, and these Halls are to be proceeded with forthwith. These new Halls will accommodate over 8,000, and will cost nearly ^20,000. Nothing but the great¬ est urgency would have compelled us to undertake these liabilities; and we trust that our good friends and generous supporters will assist us in our strenuous efforts to extend the Kingdom of God among men. New School Halls are also urgently needed at Grangetown and Crwys Hall Centres, Cardiff, where the Sunday Schools are making marvellous progress OUR CHURCH AND THE REVIVAL. Every great national Revival during the last 170 years in Wales has begun, as far as our knowledge extends, in our Church. This perhaps is only natural since we are the only Native Church of the Principal¬ ity. This high honour and privilege brings with it immense responsibilty :—" For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required ; and