Tfie The Official Organ of The Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. i. No. 5. [New Series] MAY. Price One Penny 'Post Free 28. per annum, prepaid). By the General Superintendent. Institutional Churches, or how to preserve the Converts? This is the great theme of a number of Ministers and lead¬ ing Laymen of the Churches of South Wales to day. As to the Forward Movement, the question has long been solved. We know by long experience that the first need of a true convert is the unadultered milk of the Word and as much godly exercise by way of prayer, testimony and praise, together with open-air work, as you can give him. If the Converts are to be kept and develop¬ ed into strong and stalwart souls they must be provided with suitable food and with suitable exercise. The Churches that will provide these and keep an ever-open door, will not lose a single true convert, but the Free Churches that will imitate the Anglican and the Roman Catholic Churches by providing Whist Drives, Boxing Clubs, and Dancing Classes, will find that converted men and women will leave such Club Churches desolate and will seek a more congenial and Christ-like atmosphere. It is well at this time to consider the nature and purpose of the Church of Jesus Christ, and then ask the question " What would Jesus do ? " This we may find out by studying|of what He said and did: " Ye cannot serve two Masters." The great question of the present moment is not so much how to keep the converts as how to multiply their numbers by thousands—for as yet, the Revival has scarcely touched the great mass of the unsaved of Glamorgan and Monmouth. Let every Church endeavour to keep the spirit of the Revival alive by supplying the right conditions—which are so clearly laid down in God's Word. Many of our Churches, we are thankful to say, have been baptised with the Holy Ghost and with fire, and now the question is :—"Who of us shall keep the fire burning?" See Isaiah xxxiii, 13-17, where the character of those who can thrive in the holy fire of God's presence is described. Yours in the Master's Service, JOHN PUGH. NoUs from mij $\ar^. COLWYN BAY. After our work at Pontypool we travelled to Colwyn Bay. There were some interesting cases of conversion among young and old The Rev. John Edwards thought there were about twenty cases in all. One sweet feature of the work was that many passed from the gloom of uncertainty into the joy of personal assurance of salvation. The congregations were ail we could wish, and often overflowed into the vestry. The WTelsh churches gave their sympathy in every way, and many individ¬ uals are on fire, but it is not general It is remarkable how the revival is kept at bay in some places because officials and members are not willing that it should break out in another chapel other than the one to which they belong, "They did not receive Him because His face was as though he would go to Jerusalem "—Luke 9, 53. Jesus must be shut out of Samaritan village because he passes Gerazim on His way to Moriah. The mere quibble as to the place where men should worship was sufficient to stop the revival of old. MERTHYR. This is absolutely the hardest problem we have ever faced as a Movement. 1 say it deliDerately Merthyr is a synagogue of Satan. Everything cranky finds congenial soil here in which to take root. Seventh Day Adventists., Agnostics, Ethical Society, Spiritualism, Christadelphians. Dowieites, Pentecostal Dancers, with moral and insanitary conditions of life, deplorable beyond description. Find me a town in Wales where the blotch and scab of drink can be seen