Tfi ore The Official Organ of The Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. i. No. 4. [New Series! APRIL. Price One Penny 'Post Free 2s. per annum, prepaid). By the General Superintendent. The work of God at this Centre is Pontypool. still rolling on. On the first Sun¬ day of March, we held our first Communion—when 112 were enrolled and where a deep spiritual power was felt. On the following Sunday and for three nights in succession, the Rev. Prank Joshua conducted the services,— when large congregations gathered, and many souls decided for Christ. His visit, as well as that 01 his beloved brother Seth, has proved an immense blessing to the town and district. The success at Pontypool and the Newport Centres, has awakened such an intense desire in many Christian friends at Pontynewydd (which stands about half-way between the two towns) that they have appealed to us and to the Monmouthshire Monthly Meeting, to establish a Centre there. A Monthly Meeting held at Tredegar last month, unanimously decided to comply with their request, and the message has been considered by the Cardiff Forward Movement Committee. We hope that such an appeal coming from such a needy quarter, will find response in our General Committee. On Sunday, February 26th, one of Barry Dock, the most tragic incidents in our history occurred at this Centre. At the close ot cur morning Service, our good brother, Ex-Councillor Evan Jones,—one of the pioneers and stalwarts of this Centre, as well as its Secretary,— expired, leaving a wife and eight young children to lament his loss. This young Centre can ill spare such a strong man and good Christian and peace maker as brother Jones. The gap left here is so great that no one but God can fill it. We deeply sympathise with the Church, and family, and indeed with the whole dis¬ trict in so great a loss—as well as with our good brother the Rev. John Harris, wfeo commenced his ministry at this Centre on the first of March. We appeal to all the friends of the Movement, to make Barry Dock and its Pastor, as well as the bereaved family of our late brother Jones, special subjects of prayer. WT10 has not heard cf Merthyr ? the Menthyn. great Metropolis of iron, steel and coal trade of South Wales ; and who of our friends has not wondered that the Forward Movement has not been long ago established in this great and populous Centre, where people from all parts of the British Isles gather, and where it is impossiole fcr ordinary Churches, with ordinary methods. to cope with the great demand made upon them. It is years now since Principal Prys, President of the Forward Movement, appealed to us to do something for Merthyr. Since his first appeal I have walked through its slums, and the visions of sin's doings has verily sickened my heart. To an outsider like myself, the masses of the people here seem largely left to the tender mercies of the " The World, the Flesh, and the Devil." But what could I do ? One thing I did, was to pray that God would open, in his own way, the door for us to do something for the perishing thousands of this great district; and suddenly, a few weeks ago, the answer came and a voice said :—" Rent the Temperance Hall and begin the campaign of Salvation at once." We consulted little with flesh and blood, but wrote to some of our leading brethren at Merthyr and said what was in our heart. We found these of the same mind as ourselves and prepared to do all in their power for us in this great venture The matter was brought before our last Cardiff Committee—when our President, Principal Prys, was present. It was decided to give us liberty to start a Mission for the perishing of Merthyr. The campaign started on Sunday, March 26th, and large Hall was crowded, and souls saved. We appeal for the prayers of all interested in the salvation of the people of Merthyr. Yours in the Master's Service, JOHN PUGH.