(lordi The Official Organ of The Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. i. No. 3. [New Series] MARCH. Price One Penny 'Post Free Is Gd per annum, prepaid). By the General Superintendent. Marvellous Progress. The Blessed Spirit which gave our Movement birth over thirteen years ago, and who has never left us from those days of small things until now, is working wonders these days. If we look to the West Glamorgan Centres we are filled with wonder, love, and praise. The mem¬ bership of our Neath Centre has gone up to 1100, and still it grows; the two Halls—which adjoin one another—one capable of holding 1,800 and the other Soo, are far too small to contain the congregations. The town has been divided into districts, and 36 ex¬ perienced brothers and sisters keep in close touch with the converts. There is also great increase in membership as well as in congregations at the Maesteg Centres, as well as at Morriston and Swansea- especially at Rhyddings—where the Rev. E. P. Hughes, late of Portmadoc, has recently been appointed pastor. The same is true of. our Cardiff Centres. The Memorial Hall, capable of sitting 1,250, and the Children's Hall attached to it, capable of holding 600, are filled on Sundays. Over 250 have professed conversion at this Centre during the last few weeks. The membership of Crwys Hall keeps increasing week by week, and the Sunday School now averages over 600 per Sunday. Over 80 have professed con¬ version at Grangetown Hall, over 70 at East Moors Hall, and over 40 at Clive Road Hall. Our Heath Centre is all alive with the revival fire, and the hall has become far too small, It is a pity that the large hall is not now ready in this neglected district to receive the people who are anxious to hear the word of life. Even the slum mission at Fitzroy Street, Cathays, has witnessed marvellous transformation in the lives and homes of the people around it. If we turn again to East Glamorgan Centres we see the same blessed Spirit at work. The increase of membership and congregation at Porth, Pontypridd, Pontygwaith, Treorky, Abercynon, Cilfynydd, Tre- harris, Penrhiwceiber, and Penydarren, is simply enough to make one sing all day and praise God all night. Monmouth- All our Newport centres shire. are experiencing extraordin¬ ary blessing. The congregations and the con¬ versions witnessed at the Temperance Hall makes us long more than ever for ournew and large Central Hall It is enough to make us weep to see so many turned away on Sunday from the Temperance Hall, and to have no place large enough to hold week-night services. Malpas Hall has been crowded and scores have recently been converted there. The same is also true of Corporation Road Hall, and even of Marshei Hall—situated in one of the darkest spots in the town. Then up the Western and Eastern Valleys the fire burns strong and bright. On Sunday, Feb. 19th,. the Rev. John Thomas received 44 into communion at Abercarn. On the same Sunday we received 54 at Llanhilleth, as well as baptized a number of adults and children. The " Stop Tap Mission " conducted by this Centre on Saturday and Sunday nights in front of a large hotel just before closing time, is one of the most wonderful things we have ever witnessed. The noble and heroic band of workers, led by our young Brother Clarke, are really working miracles day by day among the drunkards of the place. Three victims of the drink surrendered to Jesus Christ after midnight on Saturday, and more again about mid¬ night on Sunday. The Lord be praised ! It is a sad pity these Halls were made so small. On Sunday, Feb. 5th, we baptised 104 unbaptised believers and their children at Six Bells, and received 95 to the Communion at the close ot the evening service. Som of the men knelt to be baptised. The sight was one ot the most thrilling we have ever witnessed. We are glad this Centre is going to erect a new and a per-