Tfie ^orcli The Official Organ of The Forward Movement of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. VOL. r. No. 2. [New Series] FEBRUARY. Price One Penny. 'Post Free la 6d per annum, prepaid). By the General Superintendent. This fine Hall—capable of holding Pontypool 800 people, beautifully situated— New Hall, was opened for Divine Service on Thursday, January 5th, 1905. A large number gathered to witness the ceremony at 3 o'clock, and sang "All hail the power of Jesu's name" After the Rev. John Thomas, Abercarn, had offered up a fervent prayer, our good and kind friend Alderman Howell J.P., Newport, unlocked the door with a silver key presented to him by Messrs. Habershon, Fa*vckner & Co., the architects. In doing so Alderman Howell said he wished the New Hall might become a great centre of usefulness in the town and surrounding district. Then he entered the building, followed by a large concourse of people. Alderman S. N. Jones, J.P., Chairman of the Monmouthshire County Council, presided over the indoor gathering. A portion of scripture was read by the Rev. D L. Jenkins, and one of the most powerful prayers we ever listened to was offered up by the Rev. Seth Joshua. Having thanked God for the great revival which was spreading over Wales, he prayed for an outpouring of the same Spirit upon Pontypool. This prayer was immediately answered, and two precious souls there and then surrendered themselves to Jesus Christ. Alderman Jones delivered a remarkable address and conducted a real revival meeting just as well, if not better than he ever conducted a council meeting Excellent addresses were delivered by the Revs. Watkin Williams, Cardiff, the pastor elect, and D. M. Rees, Tredegar. The General Superintendent appealed for financial help, stating that the builders- Messrs. Morgan & Evans, Pontnewynydd—had done excellent work, and that the whole block including the large hall and the school halls would cost over ^3000. This wonderful meeting commencing with the con¬ version of souls, was followed by a public Tea Meeting which did the greatest credit to the good sisters from Rehoboth Church. In the evening the Rev. David Williams, B.A., Cardiff, preached an inspiring sermon on " Prayer " to a large congregation. Saturday evening and all day Sunday. Jan. 7-8, the Rev. Barrow Williams preached with great power and acceptance. The hall was so crowded on Sunday evening that many failed to find an entrance. During the week the Revs. C. L. Perry; Albert E. Davies, B.A., Newport; E. P. Jones, B, A., Cardiff; Lewis Ellis, Rhyl; and W F. Phillips, preached to good congregations. The unction from the Holy One rested upon all the services. On Sunday, Jan. 15th the Rev. Principal Prys, M.A., Trevecca College, preached to large audiences, with wonderful po%ver. We wish we had space to insert the evening sermon on the Laodicean Church, for we are sure it has made an everlasting impression upon scores who heard it. May God spare our President for many many years to our Co1 lege and the pulpit of our land. During the week the Misses Watkins, Mary Davies (Gorseinon), and Mary Roberts (sister of Evan Roberts), rendered us excellent service, and many souls professed conversion, for which we praise God from whom all blessings flow. We have sent out a large number Urgent of appeals for help to pay for this Appeal for excellent building- -erected to the Help* glory of God and for the salvation of the people—but the response has not been encouraging We aim at making ^"iooo, and sincerely hope our dear friends blessed with this world's riches, which they hold in trust for the Lord Christ, will remember us liberally and speedily in this important undertaking, It was with great re¬ luctance that the Forward Movement Committee re¬ sponded to the cry from Pontypool, for our funds keep so low, and the calls upon our resources are so great. But when it became known that unless we stepped in, our Cause at Pontypool would die out, and that hundreds would perish outside of all the Churches, they decided to do what they could. It is manifest they were divinely guided for the New Hall