L. I. 0. & M. I. CENNAD LLYDEWIC LLANRWST, ^T*7^ C|e Jlesscugtr of ijje Catholic Cjpnej (Cambro Breton Mission), Llanrwst, North Wales. Vol I. 25th November 1910. No. 13. 4* 4? 4» 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? 4* 4? 4? 4?* 4? 4? 4» 4«* 4? 4? 4? Something About Ourselves. THE little Cennad or Messenger, which went forth on its first errand just three months ago (25th August 1910), is slowly but surely becoming an important agent in the success of the Llanrwst Welsh Mission. Almighty God,—for Whose greater glory it has been weekly dispatched to all quarters of the District, as well as to other parts of the country,— visibly blesses its good will. To His most holy Name be praise for ever ! . . . Now, however, for many practical reasons, I have thought it better to ask the little fellow, —I mean the dear Messenger,—to arrange longer intervals between its different visits to its numerous friends. It has accepted to do so, but not until I made it the solemn promise that the visits would gain in duration what they will be losing in frequency You will always find it clad in a nice blue dress, while its pages, as white as the snow, will surely attract your attention and sympathy on account of the regularity of their lines and the beauty of their type. I hope then, dear reader, that you will always accord it a very heart) welcome when it calls upon you on its monthly visits. Listen to all its " messages," from beginning to end, as atten¬ tively as }^ou can,—unless perchance, as may sometimes happen, it speaks, for a change, a language to you unknown or at least not quite so familiar as your own. Besides, do not forget that, if you like it, you should not content youself with barely paying your subscription to the little Messenger. You should, on the contrary, and according to your means, help it to prosper and succeed, and then use all your influence to get it known and sub¬ scribed to by your friends and acquaintances. Then, persuade the tradespeople you are acquainted with to have a little advertisement inserted in your Parish Magazine : 6d. an inch, 2s. 6d. per half-year, 5s. per annum. And, after¬ wards, deal only with those who will have accepted to do so : you may be sure that we will recommend those only who are already well known for the honesty of their methods and the reliability of their goods. Another important advice :—When you and yours have attentively perused your copy of the Messenger, do not throw it away : but keep it carefully together with the preceding copies. Later on, you might do worse than having them bound together, for I am sure in almost each number there shall be something that you and others might like to read oi consult some time or other again. As you can see., this is No. 13 I trust that you have been wise enough to preserve, as clean as vou got them, the twelve preceding (weekly) copies, the first ones being dated 25th August 1910. If, however, some of your numbers are missing, apply at once for fresh copies : if they are available, you shall get them. Now, dear friend, in conclusion, let me ask you to pray often and earnestly for the conver¬ sion of Wales in general, and particularly for the welfare of the Llanrwst Welsh Mission and its little Missioher,—-your humble and devoted servant in J. C. & M. I., G. M. TREBAOL, O.M.I.