... L. |. C. & M. I. ill! inon (Cambro Breton Mission), Llanrwst, North Wales. Vol. I. 18th SEPTEMBEE 1910. No. 7. 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» 4* 4* 4» 4s 4* 4* 4* 4s 4s 4* 4? 4* 4s 4s 4* 4? 4* 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? 4* St. • WINEFRIDE, Y.M. AVE you ever been to Holywell ? If you have not, make it a point to go over as soon as you can.—But what for? Naturally because Holywell is well worth your visit, especially if you happen to be either Catholic or Welsh (as very likely you are, unless indeed you be both Catholic and Welsh, which would be a double honour to thank God for).—What about Holywell, then ? Holywell, in Welsh Treffynnon, is a little town (situate in Elintshire) whose renown has spread far beyond the borders of "gallant little Wales," on account, as its name implies, of the still miraculous Well that sprang up there, over twelve hundred years ago, on the very spot where St. Winefride (or Gwenfrewi), the gentle Welsh Virgin, was savagely be¬ headed by Prince Caradoc. There you will see that at least one Welsh Saint is still being honoured in Wales,—although, alas ! not much by the Welsh people themselves. For thither the clients of the holy maiden go in their thousands, and gather to pray at her ancient fame. And there graces spiritual and corporal are being dispensed with a lavish hand. But you bad better go over and see for your¬ selves ! At the same time, allow me to draw your attention to another spot, also connected with dear St. Winefride, and now, seemingly, altogether forgotten even by St. Gwen's devoutest clients. Have you ever heard anything about Gwytherin ? Not much, I suppose. Well, Gwytherin is a small village, situated in the Llanrwst mission district and lying hidden among the Denbighshire hills, six or seven miles to the west of Llanrwst. And there it was that our Saint spent the best years of her confessorship and that, after her second death (650), her holy body was laid to rest in the convent churchyard. In days gone by, Gwytherin must have been, as is Holywell to-day, a great place of pilgrim¬ age, whither our forefathers would come and pray, with faith and confidence, to St. Winefride, the Patroness of North Wales, and to a great many other holy people (like St. Cybi, St. Sennan and St. Elerius) who had lived and were buried there. Now, bowever,—apart from four little monoliths and an oak chest, which are called after her name,—St. Gwen has nothing there that recalls her to our mind and our devotion. Is it not time that we, in the Vale of Llanrwst,—and, for the matter of that, that all those who have at heart the grand work of the conversion of Wales,—wake up and do something for St. Winefride, the great Patroness of this little Mission ? We have got her statue in our church ; but now, we want people to have recourse to her powerful protection and to imitate her virtues. The revival of this ancient Catholic devotion would certainly be an earnest and promise of the renewed vitality of the old Faith in this part of dear old Wales. Come along, then, together with many friends, on Thursday, November 3rd, 1910; and we shall, please God, guide you to the very spot where (on November 3rd, 650) St. Gwenfrewi peacefully gave back her holy soul to her beloved Creator 1 G.M. Trebaol, o.m.i.