L. I C. & M. A CHV^X CENNAD LtYDEWIG LLANRWST. (Cambro Breton Mission), Lianrwst, North Wales. tq Vol. I. 11th SEPTEMBEE 1910. No. 6. 4* 4? 4? 4? 4«* 4? 4? 4? 4* 4«* 4* 4* •$• 4? 4* 4? 4* 4* 4? 4? 4«* 4? 4? 4? 4«* 4«* 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? POINTED AND PRACTICAL. lARENTS, how much do you co-operate with those who teach Christian Doctrine to your children ? How often do you inquire as to the Catechism lesson which your child should study at home ? Parents, nothing can exempt you from watching over the religious instruction of your children. The priest or teachers can do but very little unless you, at home, see that the children prepare their lesson. Nothing is better for the children than keeping them at home in the evenings. That is, if they have good homes ; for, if they have not, their case is deplorable...No substitute can, by any possibility, equal that home where a father and mother are genuinely solicitous for the welfare and the happiness of their children, and where that solicitude takes practical form in making the home pleasant. There is little use in forbidding youth to read bad books and papers, if good books and papers are not furnished for them. Catholic parents are doing only one-half their duty when they refrain from bringing sensational newspapers into their homes. They should do more than this : they should subscribe for good, clean publications and buy, wherever possible, good and clean, elevating and instructive books ! The youth,—who is tempted to steal a small sum of money or some article of little value, because nobody is looking, or because nobody will miss it,—is beginning a habit which, unless he stops it at once, will finally ruin him. Eor, aside from the sinfulness of the act itself, it must be remembered that it is by single acts that habits are formed,—and habits make or mar our character as men and women. One act of theft, or indulgence in drink, or impurity, begets another and another. Each fall makes the next fall easier and easier. Each act weakens the will and deadens the conscience. Each act is a link in a chain which, by-and-bye, will bind the heart and soul so tightly and strongly that only a miracle of God's grace can break it. Over thousands of failures in life careers, between the twentieth and fortieth year, may be written either of these epitaphs: " He thought too much of festivity,—His recreations absorbed all his energy,—His craving for a good time was his ruin." Drink and cigars, billiards and cards, bets and raffles, football clubs and bicycle races, dinner parties and social meetings, low theatres and late hours are the absorbing things that kill young people's chances of success. They sap their energy, dissipate their savings, waste their time and cheat them out of their opportunities. Yet, not one of them is really necessary to a truly good time for any rightly- constituted persou I... The dignity of being a Catholic is greater than the possession of all the knowledge, wealth and honour of this world. Eor the dignity of a Catholic springs from the consciousness of being a child of God, and this is above all dignities.—But, in order to be worthy of this his great dignity, a Catholic should be such in reality, and not in name only. Parents, remember it for yourselves and for your children ; bring them up in the fear and love of God, and teach them by your examples as well as by your words 1 Oblate " Calendar," Buffalo,