L. I.C. & M. i. i| tin °* aThv^ (Cambro Breton Mission), Llanrwst, North Wales, Vol. I. 4th SEPTEMBEE 1910. No. 5. 4* 4«* 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4«* 4* 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4* 4? 4* 4? 4? 4* 4? 4* 4? 4* 4? JESUS IS WAITING! > ♦♦♦ < "ESUS, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them unto the end " (John, xiii, 1). And this love, our Blessed Saviour manifested it in instituting for us the holy Sacrament of the Eucharist,—which is nothing less than " the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, together with His Soul and Divinity, under the appearances of bread and wine " (Catechism). In other words, the holy Eucharist is—-our Soverign Lord and Eedeemer Jesus Cheist (the second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, made man for us) really and substantially present, upon our altars and in our tabernacles, ever ready to enlighten us in our doubts, to strengthen us in our temptations and to console us in our trials. No wonder, therefore, my dearest Parishioners, if, over and again, I ask you to make the holy Eucharist the very centre and pivot of your spiritual life, as it is the centre and main object of our Catholic doctrine and worship. Let me then,—on the occasion of our " Children's General Communion,"—let me tell you why and how we should appreciate the Eeal Presence in our midst of our Good Saviour Jesus, our beloved Emmanuel. First of all, the love of tbe Heart of Jesus, by the institution of the holy Eucharist, has found means to perform a prodigy impossible to human love, that is—'to die for the beloved object, yet without being separated from it. By means of this ineffable Sacrament, Jesus, making Him¬ self the companion of our exile, multiplies His presence all over the world, that no one may be deprived of it ; and, from the interior of the tabernacle, He calls to us, saying, " Come unto Me, all you that labour and are burdened, and I will refresh you " (Matthew, xi, 28). Oh 1 dear brethren, let us take advantage of that unspeakable benefit, and let us often, every day if possible, come and visit Jesus present in the Sacrament of His love, and offer to His Eucharistic Heart our tribute of love, gratitude and veneration, etc— The second miracle, which the love of our Divine Saviour works for us, is that, by means of the Holy Eucharist, He renews continually, in the holy Sacrifice of the Mass, tbe offering which He made on Calvary on Good Friday. He is here also both priest and victim, offering Himself for us to His Father by tbe hands of His minister—in an unbloody manner only, of course. If then the Sacrifice of the Mass is (and surely it is) of equal value with that of the Cross, why do we not assist thereat much oftener, and where is our faith, our reverence and devotion ?... But the love of Jesus in the holy Eucharist is shown most of all by His vouchsafing to be¬ come therein the food of our souls, and so identifying Himself with us that " we abide in Him and He in us " (John, vi, 57). Yes, dear readers, Jesus says to each one of you : " Take ye and eat, this My Body " (Matthew, xxvi, 26). Do you listen to His command, and do you realize your own need of Jesus ? Is it surprising that you are so imperfect, so unspiritual, so un¬ like Jesus Christ ?—All then to Communion, at least every month, if possible every week, or better still every day ! " The Master is there and calleth for you " (John, xi, 28). G.M. Trebaol, o.M.I.