L. i.e. & M. r. CENNAD LLYDEWIG LLANRWST, A CI-PH (Cambro Breton Mission), Llanrwst, North Wales, Vol. I. 25th AUGUST 1910. No. 1. 4» *$* 4* 4* 4* *>V 4» •&• •&• 4* 4* 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? *>!? *!§? 4* *i?«* 4* *i?i» 4? •fr 4? 4* *fr 4* ^ •$* 4* 4? GOD BLESS YOU! ->—•••~^- ^NOOUEAGBD by my beloved Superior-General,—His Grace the Most Rev. Mgr. Au- gustin Dontenwill, O.M.I., D.D., Archbishop of Ptolemais, &c.,—I venture to send forth this humble weekly Magazine, wbich is intended to bring home to its readers the great Truths of our dear holy Eeligion, to.remind them of their duties as men and Christians, and to keep them in touch with the Work that is being carried on here for the glory of God, the honour of His Holy Church and the salvation of souls. We trust that all our dear Parishioners, most of our friends from far and near, and even a great many outsiders will find, in every number of this little paper, something to interest them and do them good,—that, in consequence, they will do their very best to enable me to continue and improve it,—and that they will, for God's sake, recommend it to their neighbours and acquaintances. We, therefore, expect all our sympathizers, who are able to do so, to support generously the little " Cennad " with their donations, their articles or their advertisements,—three different gifts which will always be welcome and duly acknowledged.... Go, then, dear little "Messenger," go and spread about a greater knowledge of, and a stronger love for, Almighty God and His Holy Church ;—spread abroad the Kingdom of our dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Whose Heart is burning with love for us in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar ;—spread far and wide a sensible and tender devotion to Jesus' Blessed Mother, the ever Immaculate Virgin Mary ! . Go, little " Messenger," and may God be with thee; and may He pour down His choicest blessings upon thy readers, so that, at least in this part of dear old Wales, the old Eeligion may be better understood, loved and practised!—0 Iesu, dyro yn ol y Ffydd i Gymru ; 0 Jesus, give back the Faith to dear Wales !... Your faithful and devoted servant in J.C. & M.I., G.M. TEEBAOL, O.M.L, PRIEST-IN-CHABGE.