L. I. C. & M. I. e^KN^ MApD^PTO liiiWS^?^- The Messenger of the Catholic Church (Cambro Breton Mission), LLANRWST, North Wales. a "cHVtf yoL L 20th February 1910. No. 27. ff? *f<* 4* *§? 4? *&* •&* *$* 4* 4* 4? 4* •$• 4? 4? *$* ^ 4? •$* *$* *$• *^ 4* 4* 4* *$? 4? *$? *$* •$* *$* 4*' CAMBRIA'S ANCIENT WISDOM. > —•— < 1. There are three sorts of men : the man of God, who renders good for evil,—the man of man, who renders good for good and evil for evil,—and the man of the devil, who renders evil for good.—2. Three sorts of people are the delight of God : the lovers of meek¬ ness,—the lovers of peace,—and the lovers of mercy.—3. There are three marks of the children of God : a humble demeanour,—a pure conscience,—and the patient suffering of injuries. 4. In three places will God be mostly found : where He is mostly sought,—where He is mostly loved,—and where there is the least of self.—5. Three advices worth remembering : believe in God, Who made thee,—love God, Who redeemed thee,—and fear God, Who will judge thee.—6. Three things shall a man obtain by trusting in God : what is neces¬ sary in this life,—a peaceable conscience,—and communion with heaven. 7. The three principal things required by God are : love,—justice,—and humility.—- 8. The three evidences of holiness are : self-denial,—a liberal disposition,—and the encour¬ agement of all that is good. — 9. The three great concerns of a Christian are: lest he should offend God,—lest he should be a stumbling-block to man,—and lest his love towards all that is good should fail. 10. There are three sorts of lies, each inducing us to believe what we should not: verbal lies,—the lies of silence,—and the lies of false appearances.—11. Three ways a Christian punishes an enemy : by forgiving him,—by not divulging his wickedness,—and by domg him all the good that is possible.—12. Three persons have the claims and privi¬ leges of brothers and sisters : the orphan,—the widow,—and the alien. 13. The three enemies of a Christian soul are : the world,—the flesh,—and the devil.—14. There are three punishments for sin : the punishment of the civil law,—the punishment of conscience,—and the punishment of God.—15. The three physicians of the soul are : fasting,—prayer,—and alms. The above triads, by St. Cadoc the Wise and many others, are mostly from an im¬ portant collection, written by Llewelyn Sion, of Glamorgan (about a.d. 1560), and published by Edward Williams (alias Iolo Morganwg). G.M. Tbebaol, O.M.I.