L. I. C. & M. I. eStf^kD Mfl£M$a€f litiANS5£?ffi. The Messenger of the Cathoiio Church (Camhro Breton Mission), LLANRWST, North Wales.. A CH^ Vol. I. 6th February 1910. No. 25. 4» •$? 4* 4* *$• 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» •$* 4* 4* 4* ♦ 4* 4? 4* 4? 4* 4* 4? 4* 4» 4* 4* 4» 4* 4* 4* 4? 4*' PENANCES PEWAMCE! PENANCE! Lent,—which begins on Wednesday next, February 9th,—is a fast of apostolical tradition, and, in all ages, it has been observed throughout the Church of God. It was instituted: (1) To honour and imitate our Saviour's fast in the desert;—(2) That the faithful might prepare themselves by prayer, penance and fasting for duly celebrating the adorable mysteries of His Passion and Resurrection ;—(3) To consecrate to God by a penance of forty days the tenth of our lives, as an acknowledgment that our whole lives ought to be so spent. The fast is obligatory on all those who have completed their twenty-first year, and who are not exempt through delicate health, hard work, old age, poverty, dispensation, etc. It consists in taking only one full meal (dinner), with a collation or other slight meal not exceeding eight ounces of solid food. Custom permits the taking of a cup of tea or light drink and a couple of ounces of bread at some other time during the day. As to what may be eaten at collation and dinner, the Bishop's Pastoral, published at the beginning of Lent, is our guide. Those who are not bound to fast ought to enter into the spirit of the Church and perform penance in a way suitable to their condition, such as depriving themselves of some innocent pleasure, giving alms, etc. All can fast spiritually by abstaining from sin and its immediate occasions. Penance is necessary for all, both just and sinners. It is necessary for the just, as no one can be certain of his perseverance to the end, no one is totally exempt from sin, and every one is liable to fall. It is necessary for sinners, as a satisfaction to God for their guilt, as a punishment, self-inflicted, to avert Divine punishment, and as a spiritual remedy, healing the wounds of sin and preventing future falls. Daily mass, evening devotions at church, and family night prayers said in common, should be the special practices of this holy season. The stations of the Cross ought to be made once a week. Then, all should prepare for the worthy reception of the Sacraments. Our alms, also, ought to be more generous than usual, as it is the spirit of the Church that part of what we save by abstinence should be given to the needy. In fine, all should endeavour to reap a spiritual harvest by making such a provision of graces and. virtues as may last the whole year. " Catholic Life " (Washbourne).