A CH^ L. I. C. & M. I. e^KK^D Mi^d^iq litia^-SK?ffi. The Messenger of the Catholic Church (Camhro Breton Mission), LLAWRWST, North Wales. Vol. I. 25th January 1910. No. 23. ffr^V •!? *f«* *&* 4? ^ *$* ^ *&* *&* ^ *fc *&* •*!«• *$* *&» *&* 4* *&* 4s *$» *$? *$? *iV *|? 4? *fo «bf(? •$? ff? «!§» OBLATE OF MARY. > «»o<». < Ninety-four years ago,—on the feast of St. Paul's Conversion (25th January 1816),—- was founded, at Aix-en-Provence (in Southern France'!, the religious Congregation or Institute of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (o.m.i.). As his signature shows, the Priest-in-charge of the Llanrwst Catholic Mission belongs,—and is proud of it,—to that humble but beautiful Order, which received the Church's sanction and approval as early as in a.d. 1826. Allow him, then, on the occasion of this Anniversary, to explain in a few words, to those who do not know it, what is a Catholic Eeligious, Priest and Mis¬ sionary,— the three prerogatives of an o.m.i. a"1 As a Eeligious, he has made perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. But, do not those vows annihilate and destroy man's privileges of free will ? No, decidedly not. What did our Blessed Saviour teach, by His example and words, on these points ? See, for instance, Matt. vra. 20. & Matt. xix. 21., Matt. xix. 12. & i Cor. n. 14., John iv. 34. & Luke ii. 51.—b) As a Priest, he is a successor of Christ's " disciples" (Luke x. 1.), the " ambassador of God" (n Cor. x. 20.), the dispenser of His graces (i Cor. iv. 1.), etc. He has received, in his ordination, the power to say holy Mass, to preach the Gospel and to administer the Sacraments.—c) As a Missioner, he has been "sent to preach the Gospel (of Christ) to the poor" (Luke iv. 18.),'—for such is the motto and special aim of his Insti¬ tute,—and for that purpose he has gladly left his relatives, friends and country (Matt. xix. 29.).... The congregation of the Oblates of Mary was founded by the saintly Mgr. Eugene de Mazenod, Bishop of Marseilles (21st May 1861). Its members are now to be found in all parts of the world, and especially in the British Colonies : Western Europe, North America, South Africa, Ceylon, Australia, etc. (Kom. x. 18.).—If you wish to know the holy Pounder, read the beautiful book on "Bishop de Mazenod," written in French by- Father Eugene Baffie and just translated into English by Father Thomas Dawson (Wash- bourne) —And. if you wish to obtain some special grace from God, ask for it through his intercession : Mgr. de Mazenod, pray for us ! G.M. TBEBAOL, O.M.I.