L. I. G. & M. I. e^KK&*> Mi^i>*CKiQ iiif^KS^m. The Messenger of the Catholic Church (Cambro Breton Mission), LLANRWST, North Wales. A c'HVtA* yoL j gTH JANUARY 191Q. No. 21. ■ft? 4* 4? 4* 4? *$«* 4? 4* 4? *$? 4* 4?.4? 4? •$» 4* 4* 4* *$? 4? 4* 4? 4? 4* 4* 4* 4» 4* 4? 4* 4? •&* • FLOCK AND SHEPHERD. " What sort of a congregation have you got ?" This is a question which many people, for various reasons, have, at different times, asked me to answer.—Well! as the beginning of a new year is the proper season for reckonings & statistics, let us satisfy on this point our friends' curiosity.—Those, who do not precisely wish the Catholic cause to succeed & prosper in this neighbourhood, will be glad to hear that, both in numbers & quality, our Catholic population has, slowly but steadfastly, increased from the very beginning...and there is no reason why we should despair ! a) In Llanrwst itself, there are just about 50 Catholics, over half of the total Catholic population of the Mission: Jennings (9), Cawley (6), Watson (5), Davies (4), Parry (4), Huckle (3), Owen (2), Evans (2), Owen (2), Parry (2), Leaser (2), Casey (2), Hinshaw (1), Trebaol(l-), Doran (1), Lovell (1), Edwards (1), McCarthy (1), Hughes (1), Davies (1) & Blackwall (3). b) Now, in Trefriw, we only find 12 Eoman Catholics, but the summer might bring us some more...to stay : Judge (4), Bradley (3), Adamson (1), Boothe (1), Harker (1), Owen (1) & Williams (1). (c) As for Llanrhychwyn, it is not yet quite as Catholic as it used to be in Prince Llew¬ elyn's time ; however, 8 or 9 Catholics are even now to be found in that district: Slater (7), Alti (1) & Slater (1). d) Talybont & DoJgarrog are the abode of a few more members of the old Church : Linnett ^6), Preston (4) & Cooley (1). e) Caerhun & Talycafn are also the distant residence of some good " Papists "; Greene (5), McGarry (1) & Jones (1), f) Bettwsycoed & Festiniog are rather backwards, still they too should be named ; Spinks (1), Evans (1) & Humphreys (1). As you can see, dear reader, we are not very far from... 100. May we soon reach and out-run it, not for our own glory, but for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls ! For these, and these only, are the ends we have in view in our humble ministry among our Celtic cousins the Welsh people. If you do not yet belong to the Church which must be the " Ark af Salvation " for all, just stop a moment and...think it over! i\.nd, if you have already arrived at that " haven of truth and rest," say often with me: "0 Jesus, give back the Faith to dear Wales,—O Iesu, dyro yn ol y Ffydd i Gymru !" G.M. TEEBAOL, O.M.I.